Description Lighthouse of Cape Santa Maria (James Kitchin Receipt)

This is a receipt issued to the James Kitchin upon arriving at the port and paying a port tax. David J. Kitchin was the master of the ship. The James Kitchin was registered in Pictou in 1867.

In Spanish:


Lat S. 34° 40’00” Long 0.47° 57’23” del merid S. Fernado


El Capitan del Bca (Bacca) Ying (?) James Kitchin de 499 tonladas de register ha satisfeche por el impuesto de 4 centimos por tonelada que le corresponde por la lux de este Faro.


Montevideo Abril 10, 1877

El Recaudador


$19.96 centimos




Lux blanca fyacon relampagos de minute en minute 40 metros sobre el nivel del mar visible á 18 ó 20 millas desde 15 pies sobre el mismonivel”

Alternate Details

In English:

“Lighthouse of the Cape Santa Maria

Lat S. 34° 40’00” Long 0.47° 57’23” of the merid S. Fernado

The Captain of the barque Ying (?) James Kitchin, which registered tonnage is 499, has satisfied the tax of 4 centimos (cents) per tonnage that corresponds with the luxury tax of this lighthouse.

Montevideo (Captial of Uruguay) April 10, 1877

Signed by the tax collector


$19.96 centimos (cents)


Instructions (guidelines)


The fixed luxury tax applies to all the area within 40 metres of its light and the visible water from 18 to 20 miles from 15 feet of the base or its equivalent. “

File Location

Original Materials, box #7

File number: 78-044d
Contributor:    Susan Parker | View all submissions
Tags: tax, Uruguay, Spanish, ships, James Kitchin, David Kitchin, Kitchin, David J. Kitchin
Views: 756
Uploaded on: June 29, 2015

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