Description Lighthouse tax receipt from Punta Brava for James Kitchin (1)

This is a receipt issued to the James Kitchin upon arriving at the port and paying a port tax. David J. Kitchin was the master of the ship.


In Spanish, it reads:


Latitud S. 34°57’ Long 0.56°08’ del Merid de Greenwich


El Capitan de la Bca (Barca) Ying (?) les in James Kitchin de 499 toneladas de registro, ha satisfecho por el impuesto de 2 centimos oro por tonelada Nueve pesos 18 centimos que le corresponde por la lux de este Fare.


Montevideo Abril 10, 1877

$9.98 centimos


Lux blanca fija 21m 10 centimos de elevacion sobre el nivel del mar visible a diez millas.”

Alternate Details

In English:


"Lighthouse of Punta Brava

Latitude S. 34°57’ Longitude 0.56°08’ from the meridian of Grennwich


The Captain of the Barque Ying (?), James Kitchin, which is registed to haul 499 tons, has satisfied the tax of 2 centimos (cents)of gold by ton (reference to currency, not ships) of nine dollars (pesos) and 18 centimos (cents),  that corresponds with the tax of this lighthouse.


Montevideo, April 10, 1877

$9.98 centimos

Fixed luxury tax, 21 m 10 centimos for this area and ten nautical miles of visible ocean around it."

File Location

Original Materials, box #7

File number: 78-004 a
Contributor:    Susan Parker | View all submissions
Tags: ships, Punta Brava, Spanish, tax, James Kitchin, David Kitchin, Kitchin, David J. Kitchin
Views: 742
Uploaded on: June 16, 2015

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