The interesting history of the church as written by the minister at the time.
An Article describing the founding of the Pictou Advocate, and the papers struggles and triumphs throughout its early days.
Article describing St. Andrews abundant history.
Article from the paper describing the history of the Academy, its contributors, staff, and hardships it faced. From the Advocate, Thursday December 28th, 1933.
Article about the Church of England getting started around Pictou.
An article loaned to the Advocate by Macleans Magazine about Lobster Fishing in Bay View, just outside of Pictou.
Article describing old Norway House and the significance to the town of Pictou from the Pictou Advocate, 28 December 1933 p 14.
Describing a large industry in Pictou, during the times of sailing ships.
Article describing the history of the first Presbyterian church and the interesting facts surrounding it.
A Brief Article on the foundry established at Pictou.
Article describing early first use of chloroform in Pictou, and elsewhere.