Postcards from the Brownrigg Collection
Collection of Postcards to Miss. A.C. Brownrigg
A Holiday postcard from the Brownrigg collection
Photo of Jane (Romans) McCulloch, 1808-c.1875)
A list of the owners of pews dating back to 1804 at Reverend Thomas McCulloch's Church; The Harbour Congregation.
Postcards featuring New York land-marks to Miss. A.C. Brownrigg
A postcard written to Miss. Brownrigg from Evelyn
Stedman's and the Royal Bank, 1978
Sent from Fall River, Mass. to Miss. Brownrigg in Pictou, NS
Postcards from New York City and Boston to Miss. Brownrigg
Postcards from Rhode Island to Miss. Brownrigg
Postcard to Rhode Island
Photograph of the Court House Fire, September 15, 1987
Postcard from Massachusetts
Photos from the Court house fire, 1987 and clean-up, winter 1988.
Photograph of a trainwreck, March 15, 1921 where J.J. Ferguson was killed at Augherts Siding
A Postcard written from Rhode Island
D. MacDearmid, Proprietor New Glasgow, NS 1880-1908
The New Hospital, Waterbury, Conn. from Sue
Lorrain's Inn and Tavern, Church Street, Pictou
A collection of postcards featuring images of St. John, N.B.
Postcards to Miss. A.C. Brownrigg