Description John and Maria McLean (gravestone)

The gravestone of John McLean and his wife Maria is located in the Durham Cemetery (PD 01 in the Ritchie Cemetery Listings).


On top, it read 'Father' and 'Mother.'


Below it reads:


"In memory of


who died Sept. 9, 1879

aged 76 years.

My soul wait thou only upo God for my execetation is from Him.


In memory of 


wife of John McLean

who died Apr. 25, 1880.

aged 65 yrs.

Bur God will Redeem my soul from the power of the grave."

Contributor:    Susan Parker | View all submissions
Tags: gravestone, John McLean, Maria McLean, Durham Cemetery, Durham, McLean
Views: 782
Uploaded on: May 28, 2015
Source: Legacies in Stone collection, photographs by Adam J. Cross

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