Description James Rogers, Rogers Hill Genealogy

was a Captain of the Milita in Pictou for a number of years when they exercised with Firearms in the summer of 1821 he give up his commission and mooved with his Family from Rogers Hill to a farm on an Easterly Branch of the River John called the Black river about a mile from where it Joins the West Branch his nearest neighbour John Moor had settled here and his next nearest neighbour on the West Branch was William Murray who lived about a mile up the West Branch.  David Rogers was a memeber of the Presbyterian church in Pictou Town and he lead the singing in the Church for a good many years he had all his Family Baptised but James before he moved to the Black River James was the youngest of 12 children 6 boys and 6 Girls

*see first page by searching 88-17-1

File Location

Vault, Original Material #13

File number: 88-17-2
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: James Rogers, 1821, Rogers Hill, River John, Black River, David Rogers, John Moor, Betsy, Hope, Loyalist, Archibald, American Revolution, Philadelphia, 88-17-1
Views: 890
Uploaded on: May 26, 2015
Source: Anderson Murray

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