Estate of Alexander Gordon, late of New Lairg, Farmer, deceased, Testate
Certified Copy of Will for the Registrar of Deeds
In the name of God, Amen.
I Alexander Gorgon of New Lairg Farmer, in the County of Pictou, Farmer, being at present of feeble state of Body though of Sound mind and considering the uncertainty of this life Do ordain this to be last Will and testament.
With regards then to my temporal property I dispose of in the following manner, I give devise and bequeath to my son Neil Gordon all my Real Estate and personal property subject however to the following restrictions and conditions viz - my son Neil assume and pay all my legal debts, he must also give my wife Williamina home maintenance and comfortable and Suitable to her need during her term of life.
He must also give his sisters Christy and Catherine a home as long as they stay with him, but they must work with him as long as they stay with him on the farm. I do also devise that my son Neil will cause and advise with his sisters with all matters pertaining to their welfare.
I now hereby appoint Daniel Sutherland and James Fraser Administrators of this my last Will and Testament.
Signed, Sealed and pronounced in the presence of these witnesses on this ninth day of August Eighteen hundred and Eighty seven.
Signed X his mark Alexander Gordon L.S.
Sigd ---- Alexander Matheson
" ---- James Fraser
County of Pictou Sf
In the Court of Probate of Wills
I do hereby certify that the foregoing instrument consisting of one page, is an exact and literal copy of the last Will and Testament of Alexander Gordon late of New Lairg, in the County of Pictou, Farmer, deceased, Testate, which has been duly filed and admitted to Probate in accordance with the practice of the Court.
Given under my hand at Pictou this 8th day of July A.D. 1890.
John H. Lane Registrar
To the Registrar of Deeds for the County of Pictou
Province of Nova Scotia
Registrars Office, Pictou, 11th August 1890 I certify that the within Instrument was duly registered at 3PM of the above day in the Registry of Wills Book No 2, pages 121-122 on the certificate of John H. Lane Rgr. of Probate
John Ferguson Regr.
Vault - Registry of Deeds Shelf
File number: | 15W -2148G |
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Tags: | Alexander Gordon of New Lairg Farmer, 1887, Neil Gordon, Williamina Gordon, Christy Gordon, Catherine Gordon, Daniel Sutherland, James Fraser, Alexander Matheson, 1890 |
Views: | 872 |
Uploaded on: | May 3, 2015 |
Source: | Allan Slaunwhite |