Estate of Thomas Fraser, late of New Glasgow, Engine Driver, deceased, Testate
Certified Copy of Will for the Registrar of Deeds
I Thomas Fraser of New Glasgow in the County of Pictou Engine Driver, being of Sound and disposing mind and memory do make and publish this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all former wills by me at any time made.
As to my worldly estate and all the property real personal or mixed of which I shall die seized and possesses or to which I shall be entitled at the time of my decease, I give, devise, bequeath and dispose thereof in the manner following to wit-
First, my will is that all my just debts and funeral expenses shall by my executors hereinafter named be paid out of my estate, as soon after my decease as shall by them be found Convenient.
Second, I give devise and bequeath to my brother Cameron F. Fraser and his heirs and assigns all my real estate and every part and parcel thereof, to wit , Lot No. 1 All that certain lot of land and premises in which I now reside, Situate lying and being at said New Glasgow, bounded and described as follows- that is to say-
bounded easterly by the waters of the East river, Southerly by lands of the town of New Glasgow, lands of one R.T. Bent, School house grounds, lands owned or occupied by one James McLean, and lands of James A. Fraser, westerly by lands of John T. McKinnon, lands of F.H. Parker, Dentist, and Abercrombie road, and northerly by lands of heirs of Donald A. Fraser, and lands of James W. Fraser, together with the houses buildings and appurtenances thereunto belonging or appertaining, and every part and parcel thereof.
Also Lot No 2, all that certain lot of land Situate lying and being, t the Basin East River in the County of Pictou, bounded and described as follows - that is to say, bounded easterly by the lands of Acadia Coal Company limited, and that part of the old Albion Mine's Railway now used as a main road, Southerly by lands of James W. Fraser - westerly by the rear division line of the East River farm lots, and northerly by lands of John W. Fraser, and lands of Thurston Cook commonly known as Thomas Cook, together with the houses, buildings and appurtenances thereunto belonging or appertaining.
"To Have and To Hold the said lots of land, with all and Singular the appurtenances and also all such other real Estate as I may hereafter possess, or of which I may die seized and possessed, or entitled to at the time of my decease, unto him the said Cameron F. Fraser and his heirs and assigns forever.
Third, I give devise and bequeath to my said brother Cameron F. Fraser all my personal property of every kind and nature whatsoever, including all household furniture and effects, also all monies -debts due or coming due to me,
also a certain Indenture of Mortgage dated the eighteenth day of October A.D. 1894, made between F.H. Parker of New Glasgow, in the County of Pictou and Province of Nova Scotia, Dentist, and Ada Parker his wife, of the one part, and Thomas Fraser of said New Glasgow, Engine Driver, of the other part, which said Indenture of Mortgage is duly recorded in the Registry of Deeds office for the County of Pictou, at Pictou in the said County of Pictou in Book 108 pages 519,520 and 521. Also all my Shares and interest in the stock of the Nova Scotia Steel works and also all my shares and Interest in the New Glasgow Gold Mining Company - To Have and To Hold the same to him the said Cameron F. Fraser and his heirs and assigns forever.
I do nominate and appoint my said brother Cameron F. Fraser and my friend James Roy, Stipendiary magistrate of said New Glasgow, Executors of this my last Will and Testament.
In testimony whereof I the said Thomas Fraser have to this my last Will and Testament, Subscribed my name and affixed my Seal this twenty sixth day of April A.D. in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and ninety five.
Signed Thomas Fraser L.S.
The said Thomas Fraser at said New Glasgow on the twenty sixth day of April A.D. 1895 Signed, Sealed, published and declared this instrument as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us whose names are subscribed hereunto, and we at his request and in his presence, and in the presence of each other have hereunto written our names as subscribing witnesses.
Signed ---- Joseph Kitchin
" ---- John J. Roy
County of Pictou Sf
In the Court of Probate of Wills
I do hereby certify that the foregoing instrument consisting of two & a half pages, is an exact and literal copy of the last Will and Testament of Thomas Fraser, late of New Glasgow in the County of Pictou, Engine Driver, deceased, Testate, which has been duly filed and admitted to Probate in accordance with the practice of the Court.
Given under my hand at Pictou this 3rd day of February A.D. 1896.
John H. Lane Registrar
To the Registrar of Deeds for the County of Pictou
Stamp - Province of Nova Scotia, Registrar of Deeds
Office, County of Pictou, 11th June 1895 I certify that the within instrument was duly registered at noon of the above day in Book 3, pages 5-6 on the certificate of John H. Lane Rgr.
John Yorston Registrar
Vault - Registry of Deeds Shelf
File number: | 15W - 2116F |
Contributor: |
Tags: | Thomas Fraser of New Glasgow, Engine Driver, 1895, Cameron F. Fraser, R.T. Bent, James McLean, James A. Fraser, John T. McKinnon, F.H. Parker Dentist, Abercrombie road, late Donald A. Fraser, James W. Fraser, Basin East River, John W. Fraser, Thurston Cook aka Thomas Cook, Indenture of Mortgage, Ada Parker, Nova Scotia Steel Works, New Glasgow Gold Mining Company, James Roy Stipendiary Magistrate of New Glasgow, Joseph Kitchin, 1896 |
Views: | 1061 |
Uploaded on: | April 27, 2015 |
Source: | Allan Slaunwhite |