Will of Duncan A Fraser, deceased
Certified Copy for Reg of Deeds
I Duncan A Fraser of Alameda City, Alameda County, State of California, Being of mature age and of sound and disposing mind and memory do make and publish this my last will and testament written with my own hand and of my own free will and accord
First. And principally I commend my Soul to the mercy and grace of God, through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in the hope of a blessed resurrection
And as regards my property - I give and dispose of the same in the following manner
Secondly I give and devise to m y wife Flora J. Fraser all my right title and interest in and to Lot No 1 in Block 20 adjacent to the town of Encinal on the north east corner of Santa Clara Ave and Willow Street, Alameda City with the improvement thereon lot 50 x 157 1/2 feet
Thirdly. I give and devise to my wife Flora J. Fraser and my daughters Eva A Fraser and Maud M Fraser all that lot of land with the buildings and improvements thereon of which I am the Sole owner in Napa City Napa County State of California, commencing at a point on the westerly line of Main Street distant one hundred and fifty-Six feet Southerly from the intersection of said main Street with the southerly line of Pearl Street size of lot being 34 feet 6 in by one hundred & twenty feet to Brown Street 34 ft 6in x120 feet deep to Brown Street and is known as the European Hotel & Restaurant. They are to have and hold share and share alike in rent*** each for their own use respectively free from the control of any partner or husband either of them may have
Provided nevertheless - if my wife Flora Jane Fraser should marry again or die, this property reverts to Eva and Maud share and share alike respectively
Fourthly. I give and devise to my eldest daughter Eva A Fraser a lot of land on the Southeast corner of Adams and Bishops Streets, size of lot is one hundred and three feet on Adams Street by one hundred on Bishops Street, part of Block 48 Straton Survey of 1853 in Alameda City Alameda County State of California with the improvements. I also give and devise to daughter Eva A Fraser lot No 6 in Block A, on *** of the Luida Rosa (Tract) corrected - Fruitvale on east 14th Street on San leandro Electric road from outland size of lot forty (35x 140 feet) in Brookline Township Alameda County, California with the improvements
I also give and devise to my eldest daughter Eva A Fraser a piece of land in Pictou County Nova Scotia containing two hundred & thirty four acres (more or less) (234 acres) part of the old Fish Pool Farm on the East Side of the east River Pictou County N.S. cop** for full description of lands in two deeds, one from Daniel Fraser to Duncan Fraser May 12th 1865 & recorded June 15th 1865 in liber 52 folio 236 and the other deed from Mary Elizabeth Fraser (widow of William A Fraser) to Duncan A Fraser May 16th 1899, recorded May 23rd 1899 in Book 127, page 102-104 And if daughter Eva should sell all or as much of this land as to amount to the sum of $250 00/100 in cash, it is my desire that she give fifty dollars to my niece Mrs. Christy Ann McLean wife of Simon McLean and also fifty dollars to my niece Miss Margaret Fraser daughter of Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Fraser
I also give and bequeath to daughter Eva one piano with Stool & two shares in Building & Loan Association. She is to have and hold for her own use respectively- free from the control of any husband or partner or any person she may be committed with.
Fifthly. I give and devise to my youngest daughter Maud M Fraser a lot of land on the north-east corner of Washington and Bishops Street size of lot one hundred and three feet deep (100 x103) part of Block No 48 Straton's Survey of 1853 in Alameda City, Alameda County Cal with all the improvements thereon
I also give and devise to daughter Maud M Fraser Lot No 5 in Block A on **8 of the Luida Rosa Tract (corrected) Fruitvale on east 14th Street on the San Leandro Electric road from outland size of lot is 35 feet on East 14th Street by 140 feet deep in Brookline Township, Alameda County State of California with the improvements. She is to have and hold for her own use respectively free from the control of any husband partner or persons she may be committed with I also give and bequeath one writing desk & a couple of lounges and also three shares in the E**** Building & Loan Association of Alameda City
Sixthly. I give and bequeath to my wife Flora J Fraser after all bills and funeral expenses are paid the remainder of my personal property such as livestock, furniture, Cash on hand, Book accounts, Notes of hand Commercial Bank deposits or Savings Bank deposits with dividends and Build & Loan Stock or shares if any on hand with disposal of at the time this takes effect
And I hereby nominate and appoint my wife Flora Jane Fraser & her daughters Eva A Fraser and Maud M Fraser of Alameda City State of California as executrixes of this my last Will and testament without Bounds
And the heirs are to have and hold said property with as little cost as possible except the necessary expenses descriptions and establishing of wills
And I revoke all former wills written with my own hand & of my own free will & accord this the twenty eighth day of June eighteen hundred & ninety nine June 28 1899
(Signed) Duncan A Fraser L.S.
County of Pictou S.S.
In the Court of Probate of Wills
I John D. McLeod Registrar of said Court do hereby certify that the foregoing paper writing is a true copy of the last Will and Testament of Duncan A Fraser late of Alameda City, County of Alameda State of California deceased which said will was duly admitted to Probate in said Court at Pictou on the 11th day of December 1902.
Witness my hand at Pictou this 11th. day of December 1902
John D. MacLeod Registrar
Stamp - PROVINCE OF NOVA SCOTIA, REGISTRAR OF DEEDS Office, County of Pictou, APR 21 1904 I certify that the within instrument was duly registered at noon of the above day in Book 4, page 68 - 71 on the certificate of John D. MacLeod Reg
John Yorston Registrar.
Vault - Registry of Deeds Shelf
File number: | 15W - 2079F |
Contributor: |
Tags: | Duncan A Fraser of Alameda City Alameda County California, 1899, Flora Jane Fraser, Lot No 1 Block 20, Encinal, Santa Clara Ave, Santa Clara Ave, Eva A Fraser, Maud M Fraser, Napa City Napa County, Main Street, Pearl Street, Brown Street, European Hotel & Restaurant, Adams Street, Bishops Street, Block 48, Straton Survey 1853, Lot No 6 Block A, Luida Rosa Tract, Fruitvale, East 14th Street, San Leandro Electric Road, Brookline Township, Pictou N.S., Fish Pool Farm East River, Daniel Fraser, Mary Elizabeth Fraser, late William A Fraser, Building & Loan Association, Washington Street, 1902, Lot No 5 Block A, 1904 |
Views: | 926 |
Uploaded on: | April 24, 2015 |
Source: | Allan Slaunwhite |