Description Festival of Tartans New Glasgow, N.S.

Newspaper clipping about the “Festival of Tartans New Glasgow, N.S.” that was held August 1973. The clipping reads "Adele MacDonald, 17, was crowned Queen of the Festival of the Tartans at a ceremony held at the New Glasgow Junior High School on Friday Evening. The new Queenm who represented the St. Andrew's Society, is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Harold MacDonald. Olacing the crown on Miss MacDonald is Sharon Hale of New Glasgow last year's Festivak of the Tartan Queen

Pictou Advocate Aug. 15/73

File Location

Exhibit area, Photo cabinet 2, drawer 5

File number: 2024-07-03 (72)
Contributor:    Jenna | View all submissions
Tags: Festival of Tartans New Glasgow, Summer, August, 1973
Views: 23
Uploaded on: July 19, 2024
Source: Dana Alaffe

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