Description Index to John James Gammon Genealogy

Index to the descendants list of John James Gammon, a navy officer who lived in Lunenburg in the 1750s. The Gammon family then moved to River John and Lyons Brook.

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Surnames included:

Anderson, Baillie, Baker, Baylee Paige, Bearse, Beck, Behie, Bigney, Bissett, Blackburn, Blake, Bouchie, Bowness, Brodie, Brown, Carver, Champagne, Chaulk, Clark, Cogil, Edmunds, Fraces, Gamman, Gammon, Gammon Frost, Gamnon, Garrison, Gatchell, Gratto, Hale, Hall, Hamilton, Hartling, Heighton, Henderson, Henry, Henry Hendry, Hextell, Hill Gammon, Holmes, Kennedy, Klein, Langille, Layton, Luddington, MacDonald, MacKenzie, MacLeod, MacPherson, Malone, MacKay, McBurnie, McCarthy, McColl, McDonald, McKay, McKenzie, McKinnon, McLean, McLeod, McMillan, Miller, Moore, Mudge, Munsie, Myers, Northup, O'Hara, Pando, Patriquin, Peel, Pinault, Pratt, Proudfoot, Rae, Redmon, Romkey, Rose, Runnells, Sangster, Sceles, Schwartz, Scott, Sellers, Shaw, Shuman, Sillars, Sinclair, Smiley, Smith, Snow, Spaulding, Sproule, Steeves, Stramberg, Stripp, Sutherland, Trites, Webber, West, Wiswell, Woollett

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File number: 2023-06-25d
Contributor:    Susan Parker | View all submissions
Tags: John James Gammon, Gammon, River John, Lunenburg, Lyons Brook, College Grant
Views: 212
Uploaded on: June 27, 2023
Source: Larry Gammon

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