Description John H McKay Album

John H McKay Album 

News By Telegraph, 1889 - Collector McKay makes raid on whiskey distillers in Inverness

Port Hood, 1889 - Collector McKay charged McDonnell, Ranking and McIsaac who received fines for violation of the Inland Revenue Act 

Attempted Murder Near Port Hood, 1889 - Three constables were fired upon at Rear Little Judique.  Constable Archibald Gillis badly wounded in leg.

News By Telegraph, 1889 - more details re attempted murder of Constable Archie Gillis. 

The Enterprise, 15 June 1889 - a collection of artilces from Port Hood including J H McKay and his wife visiting Cape Breton and the support of the locals in his efforts.

The Pictou News - John H McKay, Inland Revenue officer leaves for Port Hood, J A McIsaac states McKay should not leave Port Hood alive

Collector McKay's Death, 1890 - John H McKay, Collector of Inland Revenue's sudden death

Several articles regarding John H. McKays life and death, 1890

John H McKay was born in Plainfield, Pictou County to John and Barbara McLean McKay. He was the principal of River John schools and the Collector of Inland Revenue, Pictou. He married Bessie McLeod of River John. John H McKay was killed in the line of duty in Port Hood, Inverness County, 1890.

File number: 2021-09-23o-8b
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: John H McKay, Inspector of Inland Revenue, Principal A H McKay, Dr H H McKay, Angus McKay, mason, oddfellow, Cape Breton, Inverness, Port Hood
Views: 344
Uploaded on: October 20, 2021
Source: Laurie Stanley-Blackwell & John Blackwell

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