Description John H McKay Album

John H McKay Album

Various news articles including a death notice for John McKay, aged 78 of Lime Rock, West River, Pictou County and community note from West Branch River John. 

John H McKay was born in Plainfield, Pictou County to John and Barbara McLean McKay. He was the principal of River John schools and the Collector of Inland Revenue, Pictou. He married Bessie McLeod of River John. John H McKay was killed in the line of duty in Port Hood, Inverness County, 1890.

File number: 2021-09-23o-1b
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: Talmage on Evolution, beet-root sugar, locomotives, Josh Billings' Guide to Health, silk production, The Death of Morgan, William Morgan, Nova Scotia census, John McKay Lime Rock, West Branc River John, Rev F Buckley
Views: 79
Uploaded on: October 20, 2021
Source: Laurie Stanley-Blackwell & John Blackwell

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