Description Lord Lovat Visits Pictou

Copy of a photo of Lord Lovat's visit to Pictou, along with John Fraser and possible E.M. MacDonald. 

Back of photo reads:

"Nova Scotia

Lieutenant Governor John Fraser brother of Capt. Roderick Fraser - my grand father. Greeting Lord Lovat head of the Fraser clan from Scotland on the wharf at Pictou, N.S.

Mary DeWolfe"

Alternate Details

Although it says John (Alexander) Fraser was a Lt. Gov., there does not appear to be a Lt. Gov. by that name in either New Brunswick or Nova Scotia. 

File Location

2021 Newly Acc. Box

File number: 2021-08-02c
Contributor:    Susan Parker | View all submissions
Tags: John Fraser, John Alexander Fraser, Lord Lovat, Simon Fraser, Pictou, Roderick Fraser, Mary DeWolfe
Views: 324
Uploaded on: August 6, 2021
Source: Dr. Rob DeWolfe

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