Description Jack Tobin

Given Life For His Country

In last week's issue we had an item re the illness of Jack Tobin, son of Mr. Frank J Tobin.  Since then Mr. Tobin has received official word from Ottawa that his son died on February 9th from influenza.  Jack Tobin enlisted in St. John, N.B., in April, 1915, with the Canadian Overseas Railway Construction Corps.  He saw a great deal of service at the front at different work and had many very narrow escapes.  His work was mostly highly spoken of by his superior officers as indeed was natural for Jack was of find physique and of splendid mental powers.  His death, coming after the close of the war when he and those near and dear to him had cause to look forward soon to a happy reunion is peculiarly sad - it is, it seems to us, one of the hardest blows of all.  But he and his have the proud satisfactionn that he did his duty faithfully and well, that he gave all that a man has for his country.  His name is added to the list of fine Pictou lads who so proudly went forth to fight for the right and who will never return.  The deep sympathy of the whole community goes forth to Jack's family in their great bereavement.  - Pictou Advocate, 21 February 1919

Mr. Frank Tobin received the news this week that his son, Jack, was seriously ill in hospital in France.  Jack was one of the first of the Pictou boys to go over seas and saw a great deal of service and had many narrow escapes.  He is a bright, likeable lad of fine parts and his many friends will hope that he will make a speedy recovery from his illness. - Pictou Advocate, 14 February 1919

File number: PA21021919p1
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: Jack Tobin, Frank Tobin, F J Tobin, WW1, John Tobin
Views: 333
Uploaded on: June 9, 2021
Source: Pictou Advocate

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