Description Margaret Ann (Sutherland) Baillie Obituary


Mrs. Robert D. Baillie


We regret to record the death at her home in Glenfalloch on Wednesday, October 28th of Mrs. Robert D. Baillie at the age of 57 years.  She had been bothered for the past two years with high blood pressure and latterly by Bright's disease as well.

She is survived by her husband, three sons and four daughters, viz. Leslie in Aberdeen, Wash., James in Detroit and Thompson at home; Mrs. Elwood MacDonald, Pictou Landing, Mrs. Harry McNaughton, Trenton, Mrs. James Milne, Woodburn and Miss Rosie of Boston who came home to nurse her mother some three months before she passed away.  James also arrived home from Detroit before his mother's death.  

Mrs. Baillie was born at Watervale, West River and was a daughter of Mr. James R. Sutherland.  She was a woman of fine christian character, of jolly disposition and had a host of friends who mourn her passing practically at the prime of her life.  She was a member of the First Presbyterian Church, Trenton, and an active worker before her illness.

Mrs. Baillie is also survived by two brothers and four sisters, viz. Lewis of Westville and Robert of Winnipeg; Mrs. Robert Harley and Mrs. Arthur Thompkins of Ericsdale near Winnipeg; Mrs. Simon MacKenzie, Carriboo and Mrs. Frank Hamilton, Boston.  Mrs. Hamilton is a trained nurse and also came home to wait upon her sister.

The funeral took place on Saturday to Hillside Cemetery and was largely attended.  Services were conducted by Rev. J. D. MacLeod of Trenton and he paid a glowing tribute to the deceased in the course of his sermon.  Much sympathy is felt for Mr. Baillie and his family in their great bereavement.

Contributor:    Adele MacNaughton | View all submissions
Tags: Baillie, Sutherland, Glenfalloch
Views: 483
Uploaded on: January 5, 2021
Source: Jennie Ellen (Baillie) MacNaughton

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