Description McDonalds of Hardwood Hill Photo Album

Photo identified as Mrs Lizzie McMinn Horan

Elizabeth Janette "Lizzie" McMinn was born about 1867 to Alexander and Margaret McDonald McMinn at Providence, Rhode Island.  Her mother Margaret was the daughter of Allan and Janet Grant McDonald of Hardwood Hill, Pictou County, Nova Scotia. 

This photo was taken by A P Flaglor in San Franciso.  Flaglor operated the Flaglor Gallery in San Franciso between 1883 and 1885.  Lizzie was most likely married to Mr Horan about this time.  

File number: 2020-08-12ap20
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: Elizabeth Janette McMinn, Margaret McDonald McMinn, Alexander McMinn, Horan, Flaglor photograph, San Francisco
Views: 397
Uploaded on: November 9, 2020

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