Description George Fogo

Printed in the Pictou Advocate 26 September 1930

Mr George Fogo

On Tuesday of this week, Mr. George Fogo, Beaches Road, Pictou, observed his one hundred and second birthday.  He and Mrs. Fogo entertained quite a number of neighbours and friends who dropped in for a cup of tea and a word of congratulations to the centenarian.  There were thirty or more visitors, among them being Rev. Dr. Archibald, of First Presbyterian Church, and Rev. Mr. Nichollis, of the Kirk.  Mr. Fogo was bright and cheerful, chatted with the company and recited several of his poems.  Mrs. Fogo, who is not as old as her husband but still fairly well up in years and is hale and hearty, delighted the quests with the warmth of her reception and proved a perfect hostess. 

File number: PA26091930p8
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: George Fogo, Elizabeth Fogo, James Fogo, Beeches Road, Belleville Farm, Beaches Road
Views: 414
Uploaded on: November 2, 2020
Source: Pictou Advocate

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