Description Pen Sketch of John McRae of Toney River, circa 1897

This pen sketch and the poem, Welcome Sweet Summer, were printed in the Pictou Advocate sometime in 1897, with the following introduction of John McRae, the author of the poem:

"With the author of the following, many now living in this county have been personally acquainted, and they are few who have not heard of John Mcrae, the miller. He was some years ago the joint owner with his brother Roderick of the Toney River mills.

He was a man of strong personality and literary taste; a bright, sparkling speaker, and admirer of the beautiful in nature or art; a natural poet and a most enjoyable companion. Of Pictou County's many bright men, he was among the brightest.

Some time ago he removed to the State of Missouri with his family, where he lived, prospered, and died only a few years ago."

Contributor:    Robert Stoddard | View all submissions
Tags: John McRae, Pictou Advocate, Toney River, Toney Mills, Schuyler Nebraska, Liberal Missouri, Spirtualist
Views: 453
Uploaded on: September 20, 2020
Source: Ethel Drummond, Gregor and Terri Drummond, Robert Stoddard

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