Description Deed - James and Nancy Fraser to Alex Fraser. Book 83, Page 457

Alexander "Alex" Fraser and his younger brother Simon Roderick Fraser were deeded the Fraser family farm at Toney River on October 11, 1880 - just three weeks before the death of their father James Fraser who died on November 3, 1880. Therefore, their father's death must have been expected. The agreement was witnessed and registered by Allan McQuarrie, the uncle of Alex and Simon Fraser, who lived nearby. Allan was married to Christina McRae, the sister of Nancy Ann (McRae) Fraser. 

Alex Fraser received the "Westerly half" of the family farm, approximately 75 acres. 

The "Westerly half" of the farm was described and bounded as follows:

"...the Westerly half of that lot or parcel of land situated at Toney River aforesaid containing sevety five acres more or less and bounded as follows Beginning at the North West corner adjoining the lands of Daniel MacKay thence running South along the lands of William McKay to the land of James Arthur thence running easterly along the lands of said James Arthur to a piece or parcel of land owned by the aforesaid James Fraser and thence North the lot of said James Fraser and Duncan McKenzie to the land of Peter Grant thence West by the land of Peter Grant and Daniel McKay to the place of the beginning..."

Interestingly, this description is identical to the land deeded to his brother Simon Fraser, the only differentiation being "Westerly half" versus "Eastern half."

Contributor:    Robert Stoddard | View all submissions
Tags: Alex Fraser, James Fraser, Nancy Fraser, Nancy McRae, Simon Fraser, Toney River, Daniel McKay, Peter Grant, Duncan McKenzie, James Arthur, William McKay, Allan McQuarrie
Views: 472
Uploaded on: September 2, 2020
Source: Teresa MacKenzie, McCulloch House and Genealogy Centre

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