Description Acadia University Class of 1942 Reunion

Row 1: Front, Left to right: Frances Dyer, Jeanette Denton, Kay Davis, Mary Corkum, Agatha Ganong, Anna Hamilton, Dorothy Howard, and Granville Nickerson,

Row 2: Roy Smith, Douglas Denton, Fred Gordon, Charlie Johnston,

Row 3: Edith Taylor, Hudson Clowater, Doris Clowater, Marjorie Larouche, Allister MacDonald,

File Location

Allister MacDonald Fonds Box 3

File number: 2020-07-31-3-102
Contributor:    Susan Parker | View all submissions
Tags: Allister MacDonald Fonds, Acadia University, Class of 1942, reunion
Views: 383
Uploaded on: August 29, 2020

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