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Description McKay Settlers of Beauly

Printed in The Eastern Chronicle, 19 April 1883, page 2. 

Readers of Rev Dr Patterson’s history of this county, will recollect a very interesting sketch of Roderick McKay and family, who were natives of Beauly, Invernesshire, and among the first settlers of the East River.  Roderick’s brothers Alexander and Donald McKay also settled on the East River, and many interesting stories were told of them by their descendants.  It is said that Alexander was on his way to this country in an emigrant ship in 1757, the ship was overtaken by the British transports and he among others was pressed into His Majesty’s service and taken to Quebec where he fought under General Wolfe, at the captures of that city.  In this engagement he was truck by a ball in his leg which ball he is said to have carried till his death which occurred some 64 years afterwards.  Soon after his release from the army he arrived at Pictou and settled at Fish Pools.  He lived to the venerable age of 100.  The following has been given to us as the ages of his family all of which are now dead; John McKay, 77; Alexander, 99; Donald, 88; Hugh 80; Nellie 93; Catherine 93 and Mary 96.   A younger brother of Roderick’s named Donald was unmarried when he came to this country.  He settled at Stellarton.  After living for sometime in single blessedness the news came that an emigrant ship was expected in Halifax with a batch of bonny scotch girls.  Donald determined to try his fortune among them, made the best of his way to the capital where he fell in love at first sight with one of them, a Miss Fraser.  This attachment was mutual, and Donald and his bride started of their wedding tour on foot through the woods to the East River.  This was the grandfather of the late Duncan McKay who recently died in Stellarton.

File number: EC19041883p2
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: Roderick McKay, Alexander McKay, Donald McKay, Duncan McKay, Stellarton, Fish Pools, John McKay, Hugh McKay, Nellie McKay, Catherine McKay, Mary McKay, Beauly Inverness
Views: 555
Uploaded on: March 27, 2020
Source: The Eastern Chronicle

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