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Description Oak United Baptist Church, River John, NS

The Following at the members of Oak Baptist Church, River John, 8 March 1848 

  1. David Blackmore
  2. Charles Sutherland Jr
  3. Jacob Sutherland
  4. Richard Gammon
  5. Ruben Stiles
  6. Mary Blackmore
  7. Harriet McLean
  8. Mary Hamilton
  9. Jane Ann Cameron
  10. Robert Allen
  11. Mrs Nancy Sellers
  12. Miss Jane Allen – united with Baptist Church in US (Mrs E F Bridges)
  13. Miss Elizabeth Allen
  14. Miss Mary Cameron – now Mrs John Hamilton
  15. Charles Sutherland Sr
  16. John Hamilton Sr
  17. Nancy McKinnon
  18. Mrs John Hamilton Jr (Jessie)
  19. John Hamilton Jr
  20. Nelson Sutherland, Deacon – now in California
  21. Mrs Nancy Sutherland – residing in California
  22. Mrs Margaret Wilson
  23. John Henderson
  24. Mrs Ann Perrin
  25. Mrs Mary Corbett
  26. Mrs Ellen Sutherland
  27. Mrs Mary Finlay
  28. Hugh Henderson – removed to Canada
  29. Archibald Henderson – left the country
  30. Mrs Hugh Henderson – removed to Canada
  31. Neil McKinnon
  32. John McKinnon
  33. Susan Walsh
  34. Mrs Jessie Gammon
  35. Charles Allen
  36. Howard Wilson
  37. Thomas Murphy
  38. Mrs Martha Sutherland
  39. Mrs Mary Fullerton
  40. James Gammon
  41. Mrs Susan Gammon
  42. Mrs Flora Gammon – died 8 August 1924
  43. Mrs George L Sillers
  44. Mrs Agnes Sillers – died 11 December 1942, aged 92 years
  45. Miss Abigail Perrin
  46. Mrs Archibald Rogers
  47. Miss Annie Gammon – moved to Boston
  48. William Hamilton
  49. William Sillers, Deacon
  50. Mrs Alexanderina Sillers
  51. Allan Murray
  52. Miss Eva Sutherland – now Mrs Harvey Sillers, died 9 December 1935
  53. Miss Ada Sutherland – now Mrs C S Stearns (see ministers)
  54. Andrew Wilson
  55. Mrs Mary Ann Wilson
  56. Harvey H Sillers – died March 1923
  57. Thomas Murphy Jr
  58. Mrs Isabella Roberts
  59. Mrs William Hamilton
  60. Mrs Jessie E Allan – died 17 October 1916
  61. Allan McDonald
  62. Miss Bessie Sutherland – removed to Providence, Rhode Island
  63. Miss Julia Perrin
  64. Mrs A J Ayers – moved to Fargo, Dakota
  65. Mrs Isabella Allan
  66. Miss Mary C Sillers – moved to Chippewa Falls
  67. Miss Eliza Allan
  68. Francis Edwin Roberts
  69. Mrs Alexander Fullerton
  70. Miss Margaret Jane Allan
  71. Miss Ada J Perrin – moved to Providence, Rhode Island
  72. Miss Mary Gollan – moved to Manitoba
  73. Mrs Jane McBain – now Mrs Edmund Dunphy
  74. Mrs James Sillers – died 1 July 1942
  75. Miss Jessie Hamilton
  76. Miss Maggie E Sillers – moved to Boston
  77. Ralph R Sutherland – moved to California
  78. Ernest L Sutherland – moved to California
  79. Asa A Sillers
  80. Spurgeon Gammon
  81. Miss Isabella Joudry
  82. Mrs George Brown
  83. George Brown
  84. Joseph M Roberts – united with Bay Head Baptist Church
  85. Miss Mary Langille – now Mrs Gray, moved to Bangor
  86. David Smith
  87. Mrs Marion Smith
  88. Miss Frances McLeod – moved to Boston
  89. Sherman E Sillers
  90. Mrs Langille
  91. Miss Lulu D Sillers – moved to Rhode Island (?)
  92. Mrs Harry Kitchen – moved to JS
  93. Miss Martha A Fullerton – moved to US, join Union Temple Church
  94. Mrs Benjamin Gammon
  95. Mrs Mary Allan
  96. Henry Allan – baptized 29 April 1888
  97. Robert Beckwith
  98. Miss Eliza Redmond – now Mrs Gunn, living in Dartmouth
  99. Fullerton
  100. Mrs Jane Perrin – died January 1946
  101. Mrs Roseanna Sillers – died 1923
  102. Miss Gracie Allen – now in Attleboro
  103. James Allan – moved to Chippewa Falls
  104. Lena C Gullen – now in California
  105. Robert Allan, son of Charles – received dismission letter 6 July 1896
  106. Annie Gammon
  107. Miss Elva Perrin – joined a church in US
  108. Ida McBain – now Mrs C T Burks
  109. John Cole – joined Bay Head Church
  110. Margaret S Cole – joined Bay Head Church
  111. Robert Allan Jr – became a minister
  112. Wilbert Allan – became a minister
  113. Segbert Allan – became a minister
  114. Charles A James
  115. Mrs James Sillers
  116. Miss Florence Perrin – born 4 September 1885
  117. Miss Emma Downs – joined church in Natick, Massachusetts
  118. Rev George L Bishop – moved to Wolfville, NS
  119. Mrs George L Bishop – moved to Wolfville, NS
  120. Rev A E Ingram – came from Margaree Baptist, resigned, ill
  121. Mrs A E Ingram
  122. Warren Anderson Allan – born 19 October 1888
  123. William G McKay
  124. Amos Allan – born 21 November 1885
  125. Daniel Gollan – came from Hantsport, NS
  126. Lloyd Sillers
  127. Mrs Florence Sillers
  128. William Hurburt
  129. Frank Wilson – born 31 May 1880, received in church 1907
  130. William Cameron
  131. Rev Richard D Dickson – came from Sydney Mines
  132. Austin Allan
  133. Ralph Allan
  134. Florence Sillers
  135. Mrs Mary Sandmo

File number: 88-09-2
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: , Oak Baptist Church, Oak United Baptist Church, River John, members
Views: 377
Uploaded on: March 27, 2020
Source: Ralph Allan

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