Description Call to Reverend John McKinlay 1824

We the subscribers, composing the Presbyterian congregation, commonly known by the name of the congregation of Pictou Harbour, taking unto consideration our destitute situation in consequence of the Reverend Thomas McCulloch D.D. our former pastor's demission of his charge, and especially that we are deprived of the public ordinances of the gospel whereby sinners are gathered unto Christ and built up in him, and in this respect are as sheep withou a sheppherd:  and being well apprized of the piety, [prudence], literature, and other ininsterial qualifications of you the Rev. John McKinlay and the suitableness of the gifts bestowed on you by the blessed head of the church for our edification, we call and invite you to become our pastor, to take the charge of our souls, and the dispense to us the ordinances of grace; and we promise you all due subsistence, encouragement, and subjection in the Lord. 

And we pray the Reverend teh Presbytery of Pictou, under whose inspection we are, to take the necessary steps to have you placed over us as soon as circumstances will permit.

In witness whereof, we have hereunto subjected our hands this third day of August in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty four

John Patterson

Robt Dawson

Dagal Carmichel

James Millar

Mathew Patterson

James Patterson

Mrs Mortimer

Edwd Patterson

James Fraser

David Patterson

Thos Dickson

A W Patterson

David Lowden

John Geddie

William Patterson

John W Harris

James Primrose

Thos. H. Patterson

Paul Foster

Jotham Blanchard

The above Eighteen Signatures are the hand writing of the said individuals respetively attested to by Duncan Ross, John McLean


We the Subscribers having been absent on the day the foregoing call was moderated do now signify our assent thereto —

John Taylor

Thomas Lowden

James Fogo

Andrew Millar

William McDougall

John McKay

William Campbell Junior

William Corbet

Thomas Proudfoot

William Brown


John Dawson

Rob H Pagan

Murdock McKenzie

Edwd Smith Fraser

Sarah Mortimer

John Russell

Charles Evans

Joseph Carruthers

Jam G Archibald

William Romans

George Young

Michael McCulloch

John Harris

Geo Smith

Donald McLean

Jno Bo--ne

George Grant

David Davison

James Tate

James McNaught

William Murdoch

James Murdoch

James Dawson

Will Rankine

George Trees?

William Campbell Senior

Thos Patterson

James McIntyre

George McKenzie [Junior'

Hugh McKay

Wm. Everett [Captain]

Charles Erskine [Carpenter]

Samuel Paulan

Joseph --

James Monro

Willima Adamson

John Adamson

Donald McDougall

William R. Pottinger

John Maxwell

John Fraser

William Lawrie

Joseph Begg

George Oliver

Robert McKay

George Johnson

P - Grant

John Yorston

David Murdock

John Thompson

File number: 03-015-24
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: First Church, Harbour Church, Pictou town, 1824, call, Reverend John McKinlay, Reverend Thomas McCulloch, John Patterson, Robert Dawson, Matthew Patterson, James Patterson, Edward Patterson, James Fraser, David Patterson, Thomas Dickson, A W Patterson, David Lowden, John Geddie, William Patterson, John W Harris, James Primrose, Thomas H Patterson, Paul Foster, Jotham Blanchard, Duncan Ross, John McLean, John Taylor, Thomas Lowden, James Fogo, Andrew Millar, William McDougall, John McKay, William Campbell Junior, William Corbett, Thomas Proudfoot, William Brown, John Dawson, Robert H Pagan, Murdoch McKenzie, Edward Smith Fraser, Sarah Mortimer, John Russell, Charles Ewens, Joseph Carruthers, James G Archibald, Jain G Archibald, William Romans, George Young, Michael McCulloch, John Harris, George Smith, Donald McLean, John B, George Grant, David Davison, James Tate, James McNaught, William Murdoch, James Murdoch, James Dawson, William Rankine, George Ives, William Campbell Senior, Thomas Patterson, James McIntyre, George McKenzie, Hugh McKay, William Evertt, Charles Ereskin, Samuel Paulan, Joseph, James Monro, James Munro, William Adamson, John Adamson, David McDougall, William R Pottinger, John Maxwell, John Fraser, William Lawrie, Joseph Begg, George Oliver, Robert McH, George Johnson, P Grant, John Yorston, David Murdoch, John Thomspon, Dougal Carmichael, James Millar, Mortimer, Robert McKay, Charles Evans, Charles Erskine, Paul Porter
Views: 835
Uploaded on: January 30, 2019
Source: First Presbyterian Church, Pictou

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