Description Robert Fraser

July 29th 1846, Letter, R G Fraser 

James D. B. Fraser Esquire, Pictou

Halifax, 29 July 1846

Dear Brother

Enclosed you have the memorandum of the guns from Mr Ince they cannot give the separate value of each Gun as the orders from home was to give £300–67–0 to Whiteman or £601–0–0 for the whole but I hope the Enclosed will give you the information required.

Also second of exchange on Misters Henshaw & Son Boston for $540 of 5% equate to £141–15–0 the first [remitted] to Misters Henshaw -- & Co  I send a sample of the wood I wrote of to see if you know what kind it is  I did not get it as Mr Stair sold to another party to ship after promising not to sell till next day

I had a letter from Gillespie Moffatt & Co London they offer to purchase for me provided I send the money with my order so I will not be able to continue them as agents I will want a small lot of drugs from London this will fall will you order them or shall I send the order to Banon Harvey & Co myself with a letter from you  anything out of the line I will send the money for till I can make better arrag

gement which I think I can do with Mr Murdock

I send a bottle of the water from Doctor I--ings for you the same as he gave you before if you see Noonan say I will send him the amt of his orders on the adma-atity less my commissions  I had to send four times to the Dockyard

Orders 4–9–9

Commission 5%  4–6   £4–5–3

or if you pay him I will give you --- for the above.

Your aff Brother Robert

The Box of crackers beside the Brie Isent for George Corbet is 7/–

File number: 2005-004c
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: Jack Cunningham collection, James D B Fraser, Pictou, Robert Fraser, Gillespie Moffat and Company
Views: 490
Uploaded on: December 11, 2018
Source: John H Cunningham/Fred Cunningham

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