Description Elizabeth Fraser, Port Gibson, Mississippi

Port Gibson MS

Sept 26th

Mr Daniel Fraser, Halifax, Nova Scotia

via New York

E Fraser, Port Gibson, Sept 25 1815

Port Gibson 25 September 1815

Mr. Daniel Fraser

Dear Sir

Your much respected favor of 30th June was duly received and should have claimed my early attention, and have been anxiously waiting for a letter from my Father, as you stated he would write soon, however not having received a line from him since his arrival at Halifax, I can no longer delay returning my sincere acknowledgements for your friendly communication, for every information I can receive relative to my good Fathers health & welfare is at all times most grateful to my feelings;  I should be glad if you could prevail on him to remain in Halifax till next summer for two reasons, first, I think the climate & sea air more favourable to his health than Canada; 2ndly it would be more convenient for me to visit him which if God spares both our lives, I will accomplish next summer if I have to travel to the north pole,  viewing you as the real friend of my Father, you can surely excuse the freedom with which I express my feelings towards him, except my sister in Canada, he is the last veneralbel stock of the family, you may judge then what aught & must be, my respect, my feelings, towards him;  I shall be always thankful for your frequent communications; The B. packet via N. York is now the most direct & sured route

Should my Father be in Halifax on receipt of this give him my own & familys best regards, and until I have the pleasure of meeting you in Halifax

I Remain Dear Sir

most truly yours

Elizabeth Fraser

*from Jack Cunninghams notes - Daniel Fraser was born in Inverness-shire and died in Pictou 17 December 1850 at the age of 81. 

File number: 2005-004g
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: Jack Cunningham collection, Elizabeth Fraser, Port Gibson, Mississippi, 1815, Daniel Fraser, Halifax, New York, Pictou
Views: 562
Uploaded on: December 11, 2018
Source: John H Cunningham/Fred Cunningham

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