Pictou Advocate, 8 August 1919 page 8
Sarah Fraser.
The death occurred on Tuesday night of this week of Sarah Fraser of Carriboo Island, aged 72 years. The funeral was held on Thursday to the cemetery on Cariboo Island. Deceased was a most kindly woman and had a large circle of friends who will hear with regret of her death.
Mrs. Daniel MacQuarrie.
The death occurred at the home of Mr. Robert MacLeod, Bay View on Saturday, July 5th, of Mrs. Daniel MacQuarrie of Pictou. Deceased was 87 years of age.
Mrs. D. Alfred Cameron.
Word comes from Providence, R. I., of the death having occurred there on Monday, 4th inst., of Mrs. D. Alfred Cameron, formerly Mary Patriquin, of Mountain Road, River John, and a sister of Mrs. John Goldsmith, of Pictou. Mrs. Cameron was first married to James R. McLean, a native of Green Hill, who died some ten years ago, leaving her with two children. By her second husband, who is a Hardwood Hill man, she had two children. Mrs. Cameron spent most of her girlhood days in Pictou and was very popular among her acquaintances, who will regret to hear of her passing, after a long spell of ill health, at the early age of 42.
Alfred Ogden, EX-M.P.
The death occurred at Bedford, Halifax County, last week of Alfred Odgen, Inspector of Fish Hatcheries, aged 68 years. The deceased was widely known and had many warm friends throughout the province. He was the soul of good nature and an agreeable companion. From 1878 to 1882 he represented Guysboro County in the House of Commons and had the distinction of being the only Conservative ever elected in that county since Confederation. At that time Mr. Ogden was interested in the fish industry at Canso. The Acadian Recorder of Friday has this to say of his funeral:
"The remains of Alfred Ogden were laid to rest in the Union Cemetery, Beford, yesterday afternoon. The cortege was a lengthy one, embracing many of the friends of his earlier years. The services at the house were conducted by Rev. J. H. Winfield, Rev. Mr. Logan and Rev. G. M. Ambrose. Rev. Mr. Moore officiated at the grave. There were a large number of beautiful floral offerings."
File number: | PA8081919p8b |
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Tags: | Sarah Fraser, Carriboo Island, Caribou Island, Cariboo Island, 1919, Mrs. Daniel MacQuarrie, Pictou, Bay View, Robert MacLeod, Mrs D Alfred Cameron, Mary Patriquin, Mary Patriquin Cameron, Mountain Road, River John, Providence Rhode Island, John Goldsmith, Mary Patriquin McLean, James R McLean, Hardwood Hill, Green Hill, Alfred Cameron, Alfred Ogden, Bedford, Guysborough, Guysboro, member of parliment |
Views: | 713 |
Uploaded on: | November 21, 2018 |
Source: | Pictou Advocate |