Estate of John Fraser Cameron late of Stellarton, Esquire, deceased, Testate
Copy of Will for the Registrar of Deeds
I John Fraser Cameron of Stellarton in the County of Pictou Esquire being of sound and disposing mind, do declare this to be my last Will and testament, hereby revoking all former wills by me at any time heretofore made.
1. I direct that my executors hereinafter names, as soon after my death as convenient do pay all my just debts.
2. I give and bequeath to my son Horace Franklin Cameron and his heirs forever that certain lot of land situated at said Stellarton containing two acres and Seventy square rods more or less being that lot of land conveyed to me the testator, by deed of David McKay and his wife dated December 8th. 1880 and recorded in the Registry of Deeds at Pictou Book 77 pages 766 and 767 as by reference thereto will more fully appear.
3. I give and bequeath to beloved wife Almira C. Cameron for and during the term of her natural life the dwelling house and furniture where I now reside including the lots of land with the houses and appurtenances adjoining each other that is to say that certain lot situate at Said Stellarton and conveyed to me by Deed of James W. Cameron and his wife dated April 28th. A.D. 1884, and recorded as aforesaid in Book 95, pages 279,280, and 281 as by reference thereto will appear containing four acres more or less.
Also that other lot of land adjoining the last mentioned lot and conveyed to my by deed of William A. Cameron and his wife dated April 28th. A.D. 1884 and duly recorded in the Registry of deeds at Pictou Book 95 pages 282 and 283 as by reference thereto will appear. Also all the household furniture and personally in the said house, To Have and To Hold the same and during the term of the natural life of my said wife, (there are six words scratched out) and after the death of my said wife I give and bequeath the said above described lands and premises consisting of the said two above adjoining lots together with the buildings and appurtenances to my brother James W. Cameron absolutely provided that if my said brother James W. Cameron shall hence departed this life before the death of my said wife, the I do bequeath the said lands and premises with the buildings and appurtenances to my nephew Clarence Hubert Cameron son of the said James W. Cameron and his heirs forever, and if the said Clarence Hubert Cameron son of the said James W. Cameron shall have departed this life before the death of my said wife it is my will that the said lots of land in this clause (3) of my will referred to, and the buildings and appurtenances shall be and become part of the residue of my estate and form part thereof in the general division herein set forth.
I hereby appoint my executors hereinafter named the trustee or trustees of my estate both real and personal excepting as hereinafter and hereinbefore specified to them and each of them as such trustees, their executors administrators and successors upon trust as soon after my death as convenient to sell and convert the same into money and to invest the same from time to time, in the names of said trustees or trustee in municipal or provincial bonds or debentures and to vary and change the vestment thereof from time to time for any other of a like nature and to pay out of the annual income arising from my said Estate or out of the principal of my said estate if at any time the said annual income should be found insufficient, to my said beloved wife Almira C. Cameron the sum of five hundred dollars each year in two regular half yearly installments of two hundred and fifty dollars each for and during the term of her natural life and any income in excess of such payments and the costs charges and expenses attendant upon the settlement and care of my said estate that may accumulate in the hands of said trustee
I do hereby will and do direct my said trustees at the end of each year after my death to pay the same to my beloved sisters Sarah Grant Widow, Christy McDonald wife of Duncan McDonald, Margaret McQuarrie Widow, and Mary Cameron wife of Robert Cameron and to my beloved brother Thomas Cameron his wife Mary Cameron (one share to both) or the survivor of my said brother and sister in law and my said beloved son Horace Franklin Cameron, Share and Share alike and in the event of the death of any of the said above named legatees namely Sarah Grant, Christy McDonald wife of Duncan McDonald, Margaret McQuarrie, Mary Cameron, Thomas Cameron, and his wife Mary Cameron, and Horace Franklin Cameron during the lifetime of my said wife leaving issue of their or any of their bodies then surviving then I do will and direct my said trustees to pay to such surviving issue of each the respective shares hereby devised to their parents respectively share and share alike and on the death of my said beloved wife
I do hereby devise and bequeath all the principal and residue of my estate not herein otherwise disposed of and I direct my said trustees after paying all legal and proper outlay to divide and pay the same to the following parties namely, Horace Franklin Cameron my said son, James W. Cameron, William A. Cameron, and Thomas Cameron my brothers and my sisters Mary wife of Robert Cameron separate and apart from her husband, Sarah Grant widow, Christy wife of Duncan McDonald separate and apart from her husband and Margaret McQuarrie Widow, Share and Share alike, absolutely- and in the event of the death of any of the said last mentioned residuary legatees before such division of my said estate them to their and each of their issue them surviving by right of representation Share and Share alike absolutely.
I do also bequeath to my said sister Sarah Grant for and during the term of her natural life that certain lot of land with the houses buildings and appurtenances situate at Stellarton aforesaid and conveyed to me by deed of James W. Cameron and his wife dated September 26th 1893, as by reference there to will more fully appear, and after the death of my said sister mentioned lot of land with the houses and appurtenances to my nephew John James McDonald son of Duncan McDonald of McLellan's Mountain and his heirs forever. Provided always that is the said John James McDonald shall die during the lifetime of my said sister Sarah Grant leaving him of his body him surviving them I do devise and bequeath the said reversionary interest in the said lands and premises with the appurtenances to his said heirs Share and Share alike.
If however the said John James McDonald shall die during the life time of my said sister Sarah Grant, leaving an issue of his body him surviving then in the latter event it is my will that the said reversionary interest shall be and become part of my estate and go with the general residue thereof provided in my said will.
I also hereby authorize my trustee or trustees and my said executors to adjust ad pay any claims upon my estate in their discretion to refer to arbitration should any dispute arise and they deem it advisable so to do and generally to do all things whatsoever that trustees or executors may legally do in connection with the settlement or management of my estate, and I hereby further authorize and empower the acting trustee or trustees of this my will and the executors or administrators of any deceased trustee by any instrument in writing to be signed by him or them and and filed in the Probate Office at Pictou, to substitute any fit and proper person in his or their descretion to be a trustee or trustees in the place and stead of any trustee who shall die, continue to reside abroad, disclaim, neglect, refuse, or become incapable to act in the trusts aforesaid and thereupon all the trust, estate, and premises shall forthwith be transferred by the party or parties signing the said instrument of appointment to the new trustee or trustees as the case may be, so as to vest the estate and every part thereof in the trustee or trustees so appointed or in the new trustee jointly with the surviving or continuing trustees or as the case may be and such new trustee or trustees as the case may be as aforesaid shall have the same powers and rights and duties and re***veration in all matters relating my said Estate as if they were originally appointed executors and trustees of this my will.
I also direct that the trustees and each of them for the time being of this my will shall respectively be chargeable only with such moneys as each of them shall receive and shall not be accountable for each other, nor for any banker, broker, or other person or corporation into whose hands any of the trust funds may at any time be placed, nor for any deficiency or insufficiency in securities of any kind by them or any of them in good faith accepted nor otherwise for involuntary losses.
I hereby empower my executors or trustees, or survivor of them to sell and convey by deed or deeds in their own names as such executors or executors, trustee or trustees any real estate which they may desire to dispose of which I may die seized or possessed, or which may belong to my estate.
I do hereby appoint William W. Cameron of Stellarton my brother aforementioned and John H. Sinclair of New Glasgow Barrister the executors of this my last will and the trustees of my estate and I direct that my said executors and trustees or the survivor of them and their successors in office shall be entitled to a Commission of two per cent of the personal assetts of my estate for their services in attending to the settlement of my estate, in the Probate Court, and also a like commission of two per cent from time to time on the income of my said estate that may pass through their hands for collecting and disbursing the same, and I direct that the said commissions shall be divided between my said trustees in proportion to the services which each shall render, in the care and management of my said Estate.
In witness whereof I the said John Fraser Cameron the testator have to this my last will contained on this and the three preceding sheets of paper- set my hand and affixed my Seal this 21st. day of December A.D. 1895
the words "wife of" on the third page and the words "or partied" on the fifth page, having been first underlined.
Signed John Fraser Cameron L.S.
Signed by the Testator as and for his last Will and testament in the presence of us present at the same time, who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses.
Signed -----A.M. Fraser
Signed -----Geo. W. Fraser
County of Pictou fs
In the Court of Probate of Wills
I do hereby certify that the foregoing instrument consisting of six pages, is an exact and literal copy of the last Will and Testament of John Fraser Cameron late of Stellarton in the County of Pictou, Esquire, deceased, Testate, which has been duly filed and admitted to Probate in accordance with the practice of the Court.
Given under my hand at Pictou this 13th day of June A.D. 1896. John H. Lane Registrar
To the Registrar of Deeds for the County of Pictou
Stamp - Province of Nova Scotia, Registrar of Deeds Office, of Pictou, 14th June 1896 I certify that the within instrument was duly registered at 2 pm of the above day in Wills Book No 3 pages 53 to 57 on the certificate of John H. Lane Registrar John Ferguson Rgr.
Vault - Registry of Deeds Shelf
File number: | 15W- 1122C |
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Tags: | John Fraser Cameron of Stellarton Esquire, Horace Franklin Cameron, Almira C. Cameron, David McKay deed 1880, James W. Cameron deed 1884, William A. Cameron deed 1884, Clarence Hubert Cameron, Sarah Grant Widow, Christy McDonald wife of Duncan McDonald, Margaret McQuarrie Widow, Mary Cameron wife of Robert Cameron, Thomas Cameron and wife Mary, James W. Cameron, William A. Cameron, John James McDonald, John H. Sinclair of New Glasgow Barrister, 1895, A.M. Fraser, Geo. W. Fraser, 1896, |
Views: | 956 |
Uploaded on: | March 12, 2015 |
Source: | Allan Slaunwhite |