Description William 'Big Billy' Donald Grant Family

Farwell Party For Grant Family

Friends, young and old, from near and far, gathered at the home of W. D. Grant, Three Brooks, on Tuesday, November 18, to share with him and his family in an evening of fellowship before they left the district for their new home in Pictou. It was not because they are moving far, nor will the friendship ties be broken but just beacuse it was Billy Grant and his family — the great, good and big family, friends of everyon.  Three Brooks people feel sorry to see the home closed, for the time being — the house that for three generations has been the "Open House" to anyone who happened along.

The older friends reminisced of those days gone by — the Grant door was never closed; the extra plate always at the table; a cookie or an apple always ready for a child; the day or evening never too busy to play records on the disc phonograph; and Billy never too tired but that often, when the day's work was done, to take his phonograph to a neighbour, sick or shut-in, and give hours of entertainment and cheer.  A stormy day, too bad for most people to be moving, would find Billy taking a run through various districts, saying "hello" and leaving a piece of mutton, pork or beef or a mess of rhubarb.

The young folk enjoyed a few sets of dancing, for when Uncle Johnnie drew the bow across the strings of that violin no one could keep still — the feet fairly flew.

An an opportune time, following lunch, the Grant family were called together into the living room and presented with several gifts all bearing the seal of true friendship and a warmth that only is shown where friendship is strong.  Amid remarks of good wishes from everyone the friends said "farewell" for then, to say "hello" some time in the future in the new home in Pictou. — Com. 

File number: Grant8
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: William Donald Grant, W D Grant, Three Brooks, Pictou town, Johnnie Grant, Billy Grant, Big Billy Grant, Bessie Laura Murray Grant, Pictou Advocate, 1952
Views: 524
Uploaded on: October 16, 2018
Source: Edwin MacDonald

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