Description Angus Grant

Sworn to before me at Pictou 27th October 1818 --- Mortimer J.P. 

To His Excellency the Right Honorable George Earl of Dalhousie Baron of - Castle Knight Grand -- of the most Hon. Military order of the Bath Lieut Governor and Commander in Chief in and over His Majestys Province of Nova Scotia and the Dependences Etc Etc Etc 

The Petition of Angus Grant, Most Humble [Servant]

That your Petitioner was born in the county of Inverness North Britian has arrived to this Province this summer has no family except his wife as he is a young man and as he has obtained no land yet ---to settle in the Province, therefore your Petitioner wishes you would take his case into consideration and would grant him -- portion of land where it may be found vacant -- you in your wisdom may -- Your Petitioner has not taken the oath of Alligence but is willing to take the same any time where required  Your Petitioner hopes that you in your wisdom will Grant him as much as you think it --- 

Angus Grant

File number: 88-01-4
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Views: 218
Uploaded on: October 12, 2018

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