Description Angus Grant

Deed Angus Grant To James Grant Registered 1.30 PM 2nd March AD 1874 on certificate of R S Copeland JP

This Indenture of made the twenty eighth day of September in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy two Between Angus Grant of Merrigomish County Pictou Province of Nova Scotia Yoeman of the one part and James Grant of the other part witnesses that the said Angus Grant for and in consideration of the sum of Eighty dollars current money of Nova Scotia to him in hand well and truly paid by the said James Grant the receipt whereof is duly acknowledged hath and by these presents doth grant, bargain, sell, alien, enfeoff and confirm unto the said James Grant his heirs and assigns all that certain lot of land bounded as follows.  Beginning at a stake and stones placed in edge of the marsh on Alex Campbells west line thence south along the course of said line to the Boundary of the second division west or along the course of the line of said Division to John McDonald boundary marked by a stake thence north along the course of said line to the shore of the Harbor of Merrigomish thence East or along the course of said line -- and edge of the aformentioned marsh to the place of beginning containing one hundred acres more or less with all the appurtenances belonging therein to have and to hold all in singular the before described premises and convey part and parcel thereto to him the said James Grant his heirs and assigns forever in as full and complete a manner as they the said Angus Grant his heirs and or assigness might or ought to have held in and enjoy the same and the said Angus Grant his Heirs Executors and administrators doth thereby covenant grant bargain and agree to and with him the said James Grant his Heirs and assigness that the before mentioned premises shall and will warrant and forever Defend by these presents In witness whereof the said persons have hereunto subscribed their names and affixed their seals the day and year first above written

Signed Sealed and delivered in presence of  John McDonald Senior; John McDonald Junior; witness

Angus Grant L.S.

$80.00 Received on the day of the date of the foregoing Indenture from the therein names James Grant the sum of Eighty dollars being in full the consideration money within mentioned paid by him to me           Angus Grant

John McDonald 

County of Pictou

Personally appeared before me one of Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the County of Pictou John McDonald (Senior) a subscribing witness to the foregoing Indenture who being my me duly sworn -- that he was personally present and saw the same duly executed 

Date at Merrigomish the 8 day October 1874 --- R. S. Copeland J.P. 

File number: 88-01-1
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: Angus Grant, James Grant, Merigomish, Pictou County, 1872, land sale, deed, indenture, Alexander Campbell, John McDonald
Views: 592
Uploaded on: October 12, 2018
Source: John Swisher

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