Description Jotham Blanchard 1828

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Know all Men by these presents that I Jotham Blanchard of Pictou in the District of Pictou in the Province of Nova Scotia + + Barrister at Law am held and firmly bound unto George Sweeney now of Halifax in the County of Halifax and in the Province aforesaid Deputy Assistant Commissary General in the full and just sum of Five Hundred Pounds of lawful money of Nova Scotia to be paid to the said George Sweeney his executors + + administrators or assigns to which payment well and truly to be made I bind myself my heirs executors and administrators + + + firmly by these presents sealed with my seal and dated the fifth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty eight.

The Condition of the foregoing obligation is such that if the above bounder Jotham Blanchard his Heirs executors or administrators shall well and truly pay or cause to be paid to the above named George Sweeney his Executors administrators or + + + assigns the full and just sume of Two Hundred and Fifty Pounds of lawful money of the Province aforesaid with interest thereupon from the date hereof at and after the Rate of Six pounds


pounds by the hundred by the Year in manner and form following that is to say— the said principal sum of Two Hundred and Fifty pounds on the fifth day of April which will be in the year of our Lord one thousand eight 

File number: 2018-07-05g
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: Jotham Blanchard, 1828, George Sweeney, Nancy Creighton, Thomas Maynard, Pictou, Halifax
Views: 590
Uploaded on: September 13, 2018

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