Description Emma Gunn

Sandstone, Minn., Aug 7 1895

Miss Mille Gunn, Barnum, Minn

My dear sister Millie:

Recd. your most welcome to day & was very glad to hear from you. But to tell the truth you shock my modesty to think you are not home by this time the simple idea of letting your little sister Emma keep house for 2 whole weeks, & the dear baby "precious pet," how could you have the heart to do it. But if I cam slow I can give you a pointer.  Papa says my bread was the best made in the house for 4 months & I get my washing out before Scotts (you didn't) and the clothes have a richer collor similar to cream or orange, either are very suitable.  My dear girl your book came & I had to pay $1.00 -- for them.  You remember you owe me $1.65¢ cash & I want it paid right away before I take further steps. Aint I a good girl I bought you a silk handkerchief with the initial Millie M-urphy. Ha Ha Ha don't that look nice.  But I must inform you it is not Mort or Bole name you will bare. The very thought that Bole does not think enough of you to come to town once in 2 weeks to see you well he knows it is not me or he would be in twice a day and 5 times on Sunday. (your a sucker) & well he knows it ha, ha, ha.   Papa bought me the sweetest outfit youve ever seen a curling iron, hair brush, and clothes brush & gloves combined (don't you wish you was me.) all I want now is a toothbrush & comb you can get them for 

File number: 2018-07-18a6
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: Emma Gunn, Emma Gunn Perkins, Millie Gunn, Angus Gunn, Sandstone, Pine County, Minnesota, Earltown, Colchester County, Jessie McKenzie Gunn, Millie Gunn Kelly, Barnum, Carlton County, 1895
Views: 593
Uploaded on: September 7, 2018
Source: Sandra Perkins

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