Description Joseph Creighton

Joseph Creighton—

This property was first settled by Samuel Creighton, who came out from Dumfries.  His family, some of whom were born in the old country were: Margaret, married Matheson Allan, New Annan, Col. Co.; Agnes, married to John Oliver, New Annan; Jane, married to David McKenzie, Salt Springs; Andrew, settled on home property, and married Sarah, daughter of Donald Smith, one of first settlers in those parts.  Their family were: Samuel, settled on property; William Andrew, who died on property five years ago; Janet, married to David McLean, Stellarton, died in Moosejaw, Sask., a few years ago; Daniel Duncan, died when 25 years of age; Mary Ann at home; Sarah Jane, married to John Bezanson, Stewiacke, Col. Co.; Samuel, married Mary, daughter of Thos. Robinson, Mt. Thom.  Their son, Andrew, now owns the property.  He is unmarried.  

There are 100 acres in property, 66 cleared, 10 acres under cultivation.  He also owns old Donald Smith property of 100 acres, 50 cleared, 15 acres cultivated.  Crop, 100 bushels oats, 20 tons hay, 100 bushels potatoes, 50 bushels turnips.  Stock: 11 head cattle, 7 milkers; 2 horses, 15 sheep. 

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