Description Marshall homestead

Written on back of photo:

 Andrew Marshall sold his land at Green Hill to move to a larger farm on Frasers Mountain. Family inside fence: Mrs. J G Graham, Jessie 9mrs W Stewars), Thomas Marshall, Trenton, Minnie, Mrs J W Fraser (standing by tree), Mr and Mrs Andrew Marshall in doorway(we always called them Father & Mother), Aunt Elizabeth, California, John A Marshall. Family outside fence: Jessie Douglas, Jim Douglas, G A Douglas (beside wagon), Mrs Thomas Marshall and baby, John G Graham (caped), Jessie Graham, Gertie Douglas, Henry Graham, Aunt Jennie Marshall, Phoenix, Arizona. Uncle John A wanted the family in side so he could shew people easily. His wife was mad he couldn't be beside him. She got handy. Andrew cried for his mother so had to be taken inside.

File Location

Photo Cabinet, Drawer #4

File number: 2105-03-11
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: Marshall, Frasers Mountain, Douglas, Graham, Trenton, California, Phoenix, Arizona, Green Hill, homestead, picket fence, wagon
Views: 886
Uploaded on: March 11, 2015

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