Will of John G. Dawson, deceased
Certified Copy of Will for the Regr of Deeds
I John G. Dawson of Little Harbor in the County of Pictou do make my last will and testament.
1st I order and direct authority appoint my sister Mary C. Cameron and her husband William Cameron of Big Cove in the County of Pictou as guardians of my children John James and Eliza Wentworth until they arrive at the years of maturity.
2nd I give devise and bequeath unto my son John James and my daughter Eliza Wentworth the house and lot owned by me in the Town of Pictou to be theirs jointly share and share alike and it is my desire that neither shall dispose of their interest in the house without consulting and offering the same to the other owner
3rd I give devise and bequeath unto my brother James H Dawson all my interest and title on a lot of land at Little Harbor purchased jointly with David Wentworth Dawson first from George and James McIntosh bounded on the north by the waters of Little Harbor, on the west by lands of George Forbes, heirs of late Matthew Forbes, James R Allan and William Sutherland on the south by the Road leading to Andersons Mountain, on the east by lands of William Wilson and James H Dawson containing fifty acres more or less, also the house and Carriage now on the farm
4 I order and direct that my executor hereinafter named shall pay all my lawful claims against my estate at my decease including my burial expenses
5 I order and direct that in the event of my brother David Wentworth returning to this County that my executor tender him the sum of one hundred and fifty Dollars which I consider justly due him from me
6 I order and direct that any money (word remaining inserted here) remaining to the credit of my estate on disposal together with the property and residence devised from renting the house during the minority of my children shall in the discretion of my executor and their guardians be applied to and for the best interest of the children
7 I hereby nominate and appoint William Cameron of Big Cove as sole executor of this my last will and testament hereby revoking all or any former wills made by me.
Signed John G. Dawson L.S.
Signed and Sealed by the said Testator as his last Will and Testament on this seventh day of July AD 1902 who in his presence and at his request and in the presence of each other we have subscribed our names as witnesses hereunto
Sgn John D McQueen
Sgn George Forbes
County of Pictou S.S.
In the Court of Probate of Wills
I John D. McLeod Registrar of said Court do hereby certify that the within paper writing is a true copy of the Will of John G. Dawson late of Little Harbor in the County of Pictou ** deceased which said will was duly admitted to Probate in said Court at Pictou on the second day of August 1902.
Witness my hand at Pictou this second day of August 1902. John D McLeod Registrar
Stamp - PROVINCE OF NOVA SCOTIA, REGISTRAR OF DEEDS Office, County of Pictou, JAN 10 1903 I certify that the within instrument was duly registered at 3 PM of the above day in Book 3 page 3188,389 on the certificate of John D. MacLeod Reg John Yorston Registrar.
Vault - Registry of Deeds Shelf
File number: | 15W - 1211D |
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Tags: | John G. Daswon of Little Harbor, Mary C Cameron, William Cameron of Bog Cove, John James Daswon, Eliza Wentworth Dawson, James H Dawson, 1902, David Wentworth Dawson, George McIntosh, James McIntosh, George Forbes, late Matthew Forbes, Andersons Mountain, William Wilson, David Wentworth Dawson, John D McQueen, |
Views: | 885 |
Uploaded on: | March 7, 2015 |
Source: | Allan Slaunwhite |