David & Walter Murray To George Handley
Registered at Pictou pursuant to Law Lib 16 folio 250 the 30th May 1834 on the oath of Charles Twining Esquire by Hugh Denoon Deputy Registrar
This Indenture made the thirtieth day of May in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty four Between David Murray the Younger of Merigomish in the District of Pictou Yeoman and Walter Murray of the same place Yeoman and Christina Murray his wife of the one part and George Handley of Halifax Merchant of the other part. Whereas the said David Murray and Walter Murray by their certain bond or obligation bearing [Even] date herewith are held and firmly bound unto the said George Handley in the penal sum of one hundred and sixty pounds of lawful money of Nova Scotia, conditioned for the payment of Eighty pounds of like lawful money with interest thereon in one year from the date of these presents, as by reference thereto may more fully appear. Now this Indenture witnesseth that the David Murray the Younger, Walter Murray and Christina Murray for an in consideration of the premises and for the further and better --- the payment of the said sum of Eighty pounds with interest thereon unto the said George Handley his executors administrators and assigns Have and each of them hath granted, bargained, sold, assigned, transferred and set over and by these presents Do and each of them doth grant, bargains, sell, assign, transfer and set over unto the said George Handley his heirs and assigns All that certain lot piece or parcel of land situate lying and being at Merigomish in the District aforesaid described as follows beginning on the south side of the road leading from Barney's River to the Gulf Shore on the west side line of lands granted to a certain John Grant then running south fifty five chains thence east twenty seven chains fifty links to the west side line of the heirs of [Pallen] thence south forty five degrees west thirty nine chains fifty links to the north corner of a lot of land granted to Joseph McDonald thence south twenty chains fifty links to Barney's River thence down to stream the several courses of the said river untill it intersects the line of George Pattersons land thence north
seventy seven chains fifty links to the Gulf shore thence eastwardly the different courses of the road to the place of beginning containing one hundred and seventy nine acres more or less — also a certain other lot of piece of land situate at Merigomish aforesaid and described as follows, beginning on the eighty second line, so called, at the south east corner of Thomas Copeland's land thence running east twenty nine chains to Barneys River road thence southwardly the different courses of the road to the north side line of Nicholas Turner land eleven chains sixty two links at the right angles to the last mentioned line thence west twenty four chains to the eighty second line aforesaid thence north along the said line eleven chains sixty links to the place of beginning containing thirty acres more or less being the same lots of land which where conveyed to the said David Murray and Walter Murray by Robert Patterson by deed dated the thirty first day of May now last past as by reference thereto may -- fully appear Together with all the houses, buildings, ways, waters, watercourses, easements and appurtenances thereunto belonging and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues, and profits thereof and all the right, title, interest, claim, property and tenemant whatsoever of them the said David Murray the Younger Walter Murray and Christina Murray of in to or out of the said parcels of land or either of them — To Have and To Hold the said lots and parcels of land and premises with the appurtenances unto the said George Handley his heirs and assigns to his and their own proper use, and behoof forever subject to the --- hereinafter contained —
And the said David Murray and Walter Murray for themselves their heirs executors and administrators do by these presents grant, co-- and agree to and with the said George Handley his executors administrators and assigns that they the said David
Murray and Walter Murray or one of them shall and will well and truly pay to the said George Handley his executors, administrators or assigns the said sum of Eighty pounds with legal interest therein in one year from the date of these presents and also that the said David Murray and Walter Murray have not at any time heretofore done or suffered, and called so to do -- suffer any act, deed, mattter or thing whatsoever whereby the said lands and premises are or can or may be charged, m-- or in any manner affected -- in the estate or otherwise h-- and that they they said David Murray and Walter Murray and their heirs the said lands and premises unto the said [George] Handley his heirs and assigns shall and will by these presents warrant and forever defend. Provided always nevertheless that if the said David Murray and Walter Murray or either of them or them or eith of their heirs executors or administrators do and shall well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said George Handley his heirs executors, administrators or assigns the said sum of eighty pounds with interest there in one year from the date of these presents, then this Indenture shall --- void any they have contained to the contrary thereof notwithstanding. In --- whereof the land parties have hereunto set their hand and seals the day and year first above written
Signed sealed and delivered in presence of Charles Twining [signature]
David Murray [signature]
Walter Murray Junior [signature]
File number: | 15M-2108M |
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Tags: | David Murray, Walter Murray, Christina Murray, Merigomish, Barneys River, Nicholas Turner, Thomas Copeland, Robert Robertson, Joseph McDonald, George Handley, Walter Murray Junior |
Views: | 647 |
Uploaded on: | October 24, 2017 |
Source: | Slaunwhite |