Description Francois Scavnier, Robert Murray, 1890

Know all men that I Francois Scavnier in consideration of the sum of Fifty dollars paid me by Robt Murray, do hereby sell assign and transfer to the Robt Murray all my right title and interest in and to three cows, and one pig

To have and to hold the same as collateral security for the payment of my note for fifty Dollars and interest due and payable April 27/1890 at Thorburn, Nova Scotia and in case the said note shall not be paid in three days from the time it becomes due I hereby agree that the said Robt Murray may sell at public or at private sale the said stock and apply the proceeds to the payment of said note and the costs of the sale and pass the overplus if there be any to my credit. Dated at Thorburn this twenty seventh day of January 1890.

Francois Scavnier [signature]

{witness Jessie C Turnbull [signature]

No 12, filed 2 PM 29th January 1890, John Ferguson Reg. 

File number: 2017S-10-23
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: Francois Scavnier, Robert Murray, Jessie C Turnbull, Thorburn, Pictou County, 1890, Scavnier, Murray, Turnbull, John Ferguson
Views: 607
Uploaded on: October 23, 2017
Source: Slaunwhite

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