Pictou SS. Victoria, By the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britian and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, and of the United Church of England and Ireland, on Earth the Supreme Head.
To the Sheriff of the County of Pictou or his Deputy, Greeting: We Command you to Attach the Goods, Chattels, or the Estate of Evan McLean late of the East River of Pictou in the County of Pictou Farmer but now absent or absconding from this Province to the value of Eight pounds fifteen shillings and also summon the said Evan McLean if to be found within your Precinct to be and appear before our Justices of our Supreme Court at Pictou on the third tuesday of October next, then and there to answer to the suit of Isaac Matheson James Carmichael and Robert Patterson Grant for a plea of trespass on the case. For that whereas the said defendant heretofore to wit on the first day of July in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty five was in debted to the said Plaintiff in the sum of Fifteen pounds of lawful money of Nova Scotia for Goods by the said Plaintiff sold and delivered to the said defendant at his request and for and upon the Balance of an account stated and settled between them and for money the by the said plaintiff lent and --- paid laid out and expended by the said plaintiffs to & for the use of the said defendant and interest thereon and for money by the said defendant had and received to and for the use of the said Plaintiffs, and being so indebted the said defendant the several sums of money herein mentioned promised to pay the said Plaintiffs but neglects and refuses so to do and the same still remains wholly unpaid.
To the damage of the said Isaace Matheson James Carmichael and Robert Patterson Grant as they say for the sum of twenty Pounds: hereof fail not, and make due Return of his Writ, and your doings thereon, according to Law, twelve days before the said third tuesday of October next.
Witness, the Honourable Brenton Halliburton Esquire, at Pictou, the seventh day of June in the Eighth year of our Reign, Annoque Domini, 1845.
David Matheson, Plaintiff's Attorney
(Signed) James Skinner Deputy Protonotary, Issued 7th August 1845
Province of Nova Scotia} Registrars Office Pictou, 12th September 1845, I do certify that the within Instrument was Registered at 3 o'clock P.M. of the above day in Liber 30, Folio 486 on the certificate of John W. Harris Sheriff, pursuant to Law.
Peter Crerar Deputy Registrar
By oath for the sum of Eight pounds fifteen shillings Before me (signed) James Skinner Con [signature]
I John W. Harris of Pictou in the County of Pictou Sheriff of the said County do hereby certify the within to be a true copy of an original writ of an attachment and the Indorsement thereon issued out of Her Majestys Supreme Court for the said County returnable into the said Court in the term of October next, the same having been lodged in my office at Pictou aforesaid by the Plaintiff Attorney therein named with or due to [being] the same on the real Estate of Evan McLean the Defendant therein named.
John W. Harris Sheriff, Wm. H. Harris, Deputy Sheriff
Sheriffs Office Pictou the 7th day of August 1845}
We the subscribers all freeholders of the County of Pictou having been called upon by William H. Harris Deputy Sheriff of said County to value and appraise certain real estate taken under and by virtue of a writ of attachment issuing out of the Supreme Court at Pictou at the suite of Isaac Matheson James Carmichael and Robert Patterson Grant against Evan McLean late of the East River in the County of Pictou Farmer, but now absent or absconding from this Province duly Indorsed for the sum of Eight pounds fifteen shilling and returnable on the third tuesday of October next And after being duly sworn for that purpose have appraised as follows vizt. all that certain lot of Land situate lying and being n the East River of Pictou bounded Westwardly by the East River of Pictou aforesaid Northwardly by Land belonging to the heirs of the Late Simon Fraser Eastwardly by the Lands of Alexander Cameron and Southwardly by Lands belonging to the heirs of the Late Alexander Fraser containing two hundred acres more or less and after viewing and examining said lot of Land and premises do value and appraise the same for the sum of one Hundred pounds. As witness on hands at the East River of Pictou aforesaid this twenty eighth day of August One thousand eight hundred and forty five
(signed) Roderick McKay, John Chisholm, William Turnbull} sworn appraisers
In presence of (signed) William H. Harris Deputy Sheriff
To Peter Crerar Esquire Deputy Registrar of Deeds for the County of Pictou
I William H. Harris Deputy Sheriff of the County of Pictou do hereby certify unto you the said Registrar that the foregoing writing is a true copy of the description and appraisement of the Lands and Tenements attached and levied upon by me under and by virtue of a writ of Attachment issued out of Her Majestys Supreme Court for the County of Pictou between Isaac Matheson James Carmichael and Robert Patterson Grant Plaintiffs and Evan McLean --- absent or absconding debtor defendant and whereof a copy under my certificate bearing date the seventh day of August 1845 is on record in your office
Given under my hand at Pictou this first day of September 1845
William H Harris, Deputy Sheriff
10 A.M.
Province of Nova Scotia} Registrars office Pictou 15th September 1845, I do certify that the within Instrument was Registered at 10 o'clock A.M. of the above day in Liber 30, folio 489 on the certificate of William H. Harris Deputy Sheriff pursuant to Law.
Peter Crerar Deputy Registrar [signature]
File number: | 15SC-2334M |
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Tags: | Evan McLean, Isaac Matheson, James Carmichael, Robert Patterson Grant, Alexander Cameron, Alexander Fraser, Simon Fraser, Roderick McKay, John Chisholm, William Turnbull, William H. Harris, 1845, James Skinner |
Views: | 738 |
Uploaded on: | October 23, 2017 |
Source: | Slaunwhite |