Release of Mortgage
David & James Crichton to Roderick M'Kenzie
Province of N Scotia} Registrars Office, Pictou April 29th 1856
I certify that the within Instrument was duly registered at 1 o clock PM of the above day in Liber 42 Folio 184 on the oath of Wm. Crichton a subscribing thereto pursuant to Law
Peter Crerar, Registrar
Know all men by these presents that we James Crichton and David Crichton of Pictou Merchants in consideration of Fifty pounds to us paid by Roderick McKenzie of Cariboo hereby acknowledge have remised released acquitted and discharged and do hereby remise release acquit and discharge to the said Roderick McKenzie his heirs and assigns the hereunto annexed mortgage and all monies claims and demands due or secured thereby and all lien right estate and claim which by virtue of said mortage we have or could have unto and upon the Lands described in the annexed mortgage Registered at Pictou Liber 21 Folio 478 which which Registry we direct to be marked discharged and cancelled by this release. Given under our hands and Seals this Twenty Ninth day of April in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty six
Signed Sealed and delivered in presence of Wm. Crichton [signature], William [Campbel] his mark
James Crichton [signature] David Crichton [signature]
--- of Mortgage, Paid
Roderick McKenzie and wife To David Crichton & James Crichton- Consideration £20.0.0
Dated 10 October, Anno Domini 1838
Province of Nova Scotia} Registrars Office Pictou 26th October 1838 I do certify That the within Instrument was registered at ½ past 9 oclock AM of the above Day in Liber 21 Folio 478 on the oath of James Hislop a subscribing Witness Pursuant to Law
Peter Crerar Deputy Registrar
This Indenture made this tenth day of October in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty eight Between Roderick McKenzie of Carriboo in the County of Pictou Yeoman and Mary his wife of the one part and David Crichton and James Crichton of Pictou in the County aforesaid Merchants of the other part, We [witness] That the said Roderick MacKenzie and Mary his Wife for and in consideration of the sum of Twenty pounds of lawful money of Nova Scotia to them in hand well and truly paid by the said David Crichton and James Crichton at or before the ensealing and delivery hereof, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged Have and each of them Hath granted bargained sold aliened --- released enfeoffed and confirmed and by these Presents Do and each of these Doth grant bargain sell alien --- release enfeoff and confirm with the said David Crichton and James Crichton their heirs and assigns, All that lot piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being on the Gulf Shore in the County aforesaid being part of a tract of Land granted by Government to one Robert Pagan Esquire late of Pictou now deceased by Grant bearing date the twenty eighth day of May one thousand eight hundred and six and is described abutted and bounded as follows viz: Beginning on the shore aforesaid at a Spruce Corner tree standing on a Point of Land [called] Stake Point and running thence South Thirty five degrees West, three hundred and forty four Rods or until it comes to a Pine Corner tree standing on the line dividing the front from the rear Lots of the said tract of land according to a survey and Plan thereof made by William McKay Deputy Surveyor, thence running South fifty five degrees East fifty three Rods, or until it comes to a Brich Corner Tree standing on the said division line thence
thence running North thirty five degrees East three hundred and twenty one Rods or until it comes to the shore aforesaid and thence Northwestardly the several courses of the said shores to the place of beginning containing one hundred and twelve acres more or less, being marked on the said plan as Lot Number Nine --- being had to the said Plan and also to the said grant for the particulars; Together with all and singular the houses outhouses barns stables buildings ways waters water courses easements profits commodities priviledges and appurtenances to the same belonging or in any wise appurtaining, and the [page torn] Reversin and Reversions, Remainder and Remainders, Re[page torn] and Profits thereof and also all the Right Title Inte--- [page torn] Property and Demand whatsoever both at Law and in --[page torn] of him the said Roderick McKenzie, and all the Dower of her the said Mary McKenzie of in to out of or apart [page torn] lot piece or parcel of land hereby sold and Co--[page torn] so to be and to every part and parcel thereof in--[page torn] appurtenances: To Have and To Hold the said [page torn] or parcel and premises with the appurtenances both [page torn] David Crichton and James Crichton there Heirs and [page torn] to their own property use benefit and behoof, forever [page torn] Always --- theless: and it is the true intent and [page torn] of these Presents and of the Parties thereto That if the said Roderick McKenzie his Heirs Executors or Administrators do [page torn] well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said David Crichton and James Crichton their Heirs Executors Administrators or assigns the said sum of Twenty pounds [page torn] lawful Interest which may acume therein on the day and at the time and in the way and Manner [as] the same is seemed to be paid in and by a certain Promissory note made by him the said Roderick McKenzie and payable to them the said David Crichton and James Crichton and ---- date [page torn] Then and in such cases this present Indenture and [page torn] and thing herein contained shall cease determaine and [page torn] and void to all interests and purposes whatsoever: And [page torn] said Roderick McKenzie for himself His Heirs Executors Administrators Doth by these Presents grant ---
and agree to and with the said David Crichton and James Crichton their Heirs Executors Administrators and assigns in manner and form following that is to say, That he the said Roderick McKenzie and his Heirs the said Lot piece or parcel of land and premises [with] the appurtenances with them the said David Crichton and James Crichton and their Heirs and assigns against the lawful claims and demands of all and every person and persons whomsoever will Warrant and ever Defend by these Presents. In Withess Whereof the said parties to these Presents Have hereunto their Hands and Seals subscribed and set the day and Year first above written.
Signed and Delivered in the presence of Edward Roach, James Hislop
Roderick McKenzie his mark, Mary McKenzie her mark
Received on the day of the date of the foregoing Indenture from therein named David Crichton and James Crichton the sum of Twenty Pounds being the Consideration therein mentioned
Roderick McKenzie, his mark
Witness Edward Roach, James Hislop
On the tenth day of October in the Year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty Eight [page torn] Subscribe one of Her Majestys Justices of the Peace for the County of Pictou personally came and appeared Mary McKenzie Party to the foregoing Indenture and Wife of Roderick McKenzie also Party thereto who being by me examined separate and apart from him said Husband acknowledged that she freely voluntarily and without compulsion from her said Husband signed sealed & Executed the said Indenture for the purposes, therein contained.
G. W. [Campbell] J.P.
File number: | 15M-2107M |
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Tags: | Roderick McKenzie, Mary McKenzie, Carriboo, Caribou, Cariboo, David Crichton, James Crichton, William Crichton, Pictou, mortage, deed, James Hislop, Robert Pagan, Gulf Shore, George W Campbell |
Views: | 762 |
Uploaded on: | October 19, 2017 |