Description Black, Shinimicas, Cumberland County, Nova Scotia

Written on stones:

top stone

Luther L Black, Died July 12, 1885, Aged 81 yrs, Also his wife, Jane, Died Sept 17, 1893, Aged 79 yrs

bottom stone

Robert G Black, Died, Sept 20, 1834?, Aged 37? yrs, Catherine Gibson, Died, Mar 3. 1873, Aged 78 yrs.

As per Jean E Black MacDonald, the stones are located in the Linden Cemetery, on the Sunrise Trail, a few miles beyond Pugwash.  

Luther Black, was the great grandfather of Jean E Black MacDonald and lived in shinimicas, in the home she was born in.  The home still stands but is no longer in the Black family. 

File number: 2017-09-19
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: Jane Gibson, Luther Black, Robert Black, Catherine Gibbon, Shimimicas, Cumberland County, Pugwash, Amherst, William Black
Views: 588
Uploaded on: October 6, 2017
Source: Jean E. (Black) MacDonald

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