Description The Bee, July 27, 1836

The Bee

Volume 11, Pictou, N. S., Wednesday Morning, July 27, 1836, Number X

Front Page

  • Publishing and advertising information
  • Current Pictou prices
  • Items offered for sale by George Smith via the Garland from Liverpool
  • Report on PEI trial for sale by James Dawson
  • Pay Your Debt!

Page 74

  • Continuation of Pay Your Debt!

Page 75

  • Continuation of Pay Your Debt!
  • News from America, Foreign and Colonial
  • Cholchester Hotel ad, proprietor Joseph R. Dodson
  • Book-binding services
  • Steamboat Cape Breton, captained by Thomas Graham, fares and schedule
  • Eastern Stage Coach fares and schedule
  • Wood ad

Page 76

  • Scene In A Pawn Shop.
  • Agriculture - Management of Horses

Page 77

  • Agriculture Continued - Management of Horses continued; Preserving Butter, The Magic Onion
  • An Analysis Of The Criminal and Penal Laws to be published when enough subcribers are obtained
  • Sabbath School Books and Tracts for sale by J. Dawson
  • Merchandise for sale by R. Dawson
  • Articles for sale by John Russell
  • Spruce and pine for sale
  • Novels, books and stationary for sale by James Dawson
  • 300 acres for sale at Fraser's Point, Middle River
  • House for sale or let on George Street presently occupied by A. D. Gordon
  • Notice of demands against the estates of Duncan Gordon; John Gordon; Hugh Denoon, Esquire; Robert Brown; Jessey Logie

Page 78 & 79

  • Excerpts from a Londonderry paper [Northern Ireland]
  • Upper Canada Election
  • Charlottetown, PEI - James W. Johnston, John W. Ritchie, William Carman and John B. Cormack were admitted Barristers and Solicitors fo the Supreme Court
  • Agriculture Society importing directly from the United States for first time
  • Mexico/Texas news
  • Miriamichi Ladies' Auxiliary Bible Society report
  • Speculation in Hay
  • Travellers' Memoranda
  • Married: William Rae to Susan Patterson, both of Pictou
  • Died:  Ann, daughter of James Kindler, age 11 months of Albion Mines; Mary daughter of Kenneth McKenzie, age 26 of New Gairloch
  • Shipping News
  • Notice of demands against the estate of Martin McDonald, Senior of Knoydart, Sydney County
  • Public Auction of land in Doctor's Brook at the Gulf Shore
  • Ad for travelling Zoo
  • Flour for sale offered by Hockin & Sons
  • Wall paper for sale offered by J. Dawson
  • Flour, Pilot and Navy Bread for sale offered by Ross & Primrose
  • Notice to collectors of Poor Rates in Pictou to present qualification papers to William Bannerman
  • Second hand sabbath school books offered for sale by R. Dawson
  • The Complete Farmer and Rural Economist for sale 

Page 80

  • Poetry - The Deep, by Brainard
  • Miscellany - Defect of Smell In Birds Of Prey; Natural Requistes For The Learned Professions; Mathematical Calculation; Do Not Judge From Appearances; whimsy
  • Agents for The Bee

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