Description The Bee, June 15, 1836

The Bee

Volume II, Pictou, N.S. Wednesday Morning, June 15, 1836, Number IV

Front page

  • Publisher information and advertising rates
  • Current prices of staples in Pictou
  • Seed ad
  • Excerpt from Paulding's New Pilgrim's Progress 

Page 26:

  • News re Texas Independence, war against natives, division of Halifax County 

Page 27

  • Taken from the Novascotian regarding shipwrecks: the Woodman, Columbus and Robert wrecked in December in St. George's Bay of Newfoundland.  
  • Notice by W & J Ives of relocating store
  • Colchester Hotel ad
  • J. Geddie clock and watch maker ad
  • George Smith ad
  • Caution re receiving notes from Roderick Johnston
  • House for sale presently occupied by A. D. Gordon
  • Nails for sale 
  • Navy Bread for sale
  • Blanks for sale
  • Notice re estate of the late William Mortimer, Esq of Pictou
  • House to let presently occupied by Mrs Johnston
  • Bookbinder wanted 
  • Notice re estate of the late Duncan Gordon of Middle River
  • Notice re estate of the late John Gordon of Scotch Hill
  • Notice re estate of the late Hugh Denoon, Esq of Pictou
  • Notice re estate of the late Robert Brown, blacksmith, of Middle River
  • Notice re estate of the late Jessey Logie of Pictou
  • John Russell thanks patrons for their business 
  • Flower and clover seed ad offered by James D B Fraser
  • Wood for sale offered by Ross & Primrose

Page 28

  • Letter to the editor titled "Fishing at Carriboo"
  • Road Commissions

Page 29

  • Road Commissions continued
  • Agricultural news: manures

Page 30

  • Agricultural news continued
  • News from Great Britian

Page 31

  • Clerical Persecution
  • J. S. Thompson, of Halifax, intends to publish the Acadian Telegraph
  • Notice to subscribers
  • The Three Sisters owned by George Smith was launched from the shipyard of J. Howlett
  • Married:  Hugh Douglas of Middle River to Jane Ann Fraser of McLelland's Brook
  • Travellers' Memoranda
  • Ship News
  • Notice re notes payable to John Forbes, formerly of West Branch, East River
  • Milch cow wanted by James Primrose
  • Merchant Seamen act just published for sale
  • Edward Patterson farm for sale
  • The Complete Farmer and Rural Economist for sale
  • Subscribers wanted to publish An Analysis of the Criminal and Penal Laws of Nova Scotia
  • Books for sale 
  • Eastern Stage Coach schedule and fares
  • Shoe Blacking ad

Page 32

  • Poetry: The Funeral At Sea
  • Miscellany
  • Agents for The Bee

File number: 00-323-4
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: James K Paulding, James Dawson, Hugh Douglas, Jane Ann Fraser Douglas, McLellans Brook, McLennans Brook, John Douglas, Isaac Archibald, John McLean, William Wylie, John McCabe, Donald McKenzie, Dalhousie Mountain, West River, East River, ten mile house, Mount Dalhousie, Robert Stewart, Rogers Hill, Charles McKay Senior, John Matheson, McCara, Rev. D A Fraser, New Glasgow, John Murray, Wilkins Grant, Middle River, D Bethune, Alexander Fraser, Green Hill, Andrew Marshall, McDonald, Collie, Thomas Kerr, John McCara, Murdoch McKenzie, John Rea, John Rogers, Peter Arthur, James Reid, Salt Springs, Alexander McDonald (Glenco), Big River, Carriboo, Caribou, Cariboo, David Perin, David Langill, Donald Campbell, Moore, Robert Grant, Grant's Mills, John Fraser, Thomas Campbell, John Olding, Cook, McDonald's Mill, Little Harbour, Robert Murray, Barney's River, Finlayson, John Sutherland (Sergeant), Alexander Robertson, Walter Murray (William's Son), D. Murray, D. Robertson, Robert McDonald, Carmichael's Brook, Hugh McGillveray (Lieutenants Son), Kenneth McLean, River John, Kenneth McLean, Donald McKinnon (Angus's Son), George McLeod, George McCabe, Hugh Fraser, Little Island, John Taylor, Anthony Smith, James Elliot, McMillan, John Fraser, Fisher's Grant, Charles Brown, Roderick McKenzie, Hugh Munroe, Earl Town, Angus McKay, James Skinner Junior, road commissioners, Iotan, Otoe
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Uploaded on: September 19, 2017

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