William Ridpath & Wife
Alexander Munro
18th November 1839
Province of Nova Scotia} Registrars Office Pictou March 23 1840 I do certify that the within Instrument was Registered at 4 o clock PM of the above day in Liber 23 Folio 332 on the oath of James Elliot a subscribing witness there pursuant to law
Peter Crerar Deputy Registrar
This Indenture made this Eighteenth day of November in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight hundred and Thirty Nine, between William Ridpath of Little Carriboo River in the County of Pictou, and Province of Nova Scotia, Yeoman, and Phillis, his wife of the one part, and Alexander Munro of the place county and Province aforesaid Yeoman of the other part. Witnesseth That the said William Ridpath and Phillis his wife, for, and in consideration of the sum of Twenty five pounds, Lawful money of Nova Scotia, to them in hand well and truly paid by the said Alexander Munro, at or before the sealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged. Have, and each of them Hath Granted, Bargained, Sold, Remised Enfeoffed and Confirmed and by these presents Do, and each of them Doth Grant, Bargain, Sell, Remise, Enfeoff and Confirm. Unto the said Alexander Munro, his Heirs and Assigns forever, All that certain Lot, piece, or parcel of Land, and premises, situate lying and being on said Little Carriboo River abutted and bounded as follows, that is to say, Beginning at a spruce tree in the East corner of Hugh McDonald's land, thence to run South, Thirty Eight and one half degrees West Forty chains or till it strikes a small hemlock on the North east line of land belonging to the Heirs (or assigns) of the late George Minor, Thence on said line South fifty one degrees east Twelve chains and fifty links or to a small hemlock marked as a corner to these premises, thence North Thirty eight and a half degrees East Forty chains to the South west line of William Ridpath's other lot, thence on said line North fifty one and a half degrees West twelve chains and fifty links to the place of beginning. (Courses all by the magnet) containing fifty acres more or less. Together with all and singular the houses, outhouses, barns, stables, buildings, wood, ways, waters, and water courses, easements, commodities, profits, priviliges, and appurtainances to the same belonging, o in anywise appurtaining, with the reversion, and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and emoluments thereof, and also all the estate, right, title, interest, claim property and demand of them the said William Ridpath and Phillis his wife, which they now have, or hereafter may have in to or upon the same and every part and parcel thereof. To Have and to Hold the said lot piece or parcel of land and premises, with the appurtainances. Unto the said Alexander Munro, his Heirs and assigns to his and their won property use benefit and behoof forever. And the said William Ridpath and Phillis his wife, do hereby for themselves, their Heirs, executors, and Administrators, the said piece or parcel of land and premises with the appertainances, unto the said Alexander Munro, his heirs, executors, and admininstrators, and assigns will warrant, maintain, and for ever defend. In witness whereof the said parties to these presents have their hands and seals subscribed and set, the day and year first above written.
Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of us - James Ridpath [signature] James Elliot [signature]
William Ridpath [signature]
Phillis Ridpath [signature]
£25·–·– Received on the day of the date of the foregoing Indenture, from the therein named Alexander Munro the sum of Twenty five pounds, being the full consideration money therein mentioned
Witness James Elliot [signature]
William Ridpath [signature]
On the day of In the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine, personally came and appeared before me one of her Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the County of Pictou, wife of William Ridpath, and party to the within Indenture, who, being by me examined separate and apart from her said husband, declared and acknowledged, that she freely and voluntarily and without force or compulsion from her said husband signed sealed and executed the said Indenture as and for the purposes therein mentioned.
File number: | 2017-09-06-1 |
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Tags: | Little Caribou River, Caribou River, Cariboo River, William Reidpath, Alexander Munro, James Reidpath, James Ridpath, Ridpath, James Elliot, Phillis Ridpath, William Ridpath, Phyllis Ridpath, Phyllis Reidpath, Hugh McDonald, George Minor, deed |
Views: | 619 |
Uploaded on: | September 6, 2017 |