James Reid & Isabella Reid to John Simpson 1832
Registered at Pictou pursuant to Law, Lib 15 folio 227 on the oath of James Urquhart (the 8 am September) 1832
by Hugh Denoon, Deputy Registrar
Know all men by these Presents that we James Reid of Mount Thom in the District of Pictou County of Halifax and Province of Nova Scotia, Yeoman and Isabella Reid wife of the said James Reid for and in consideration of the Sum of Thirty eight Pounds Currency Lawful Money of Nova Scotia aforesaid to us in hand paid by John Simpson of Mount Thom, Yeoman the receipt of which we do hereby acknowledge to our full content and Satisfaction; Have given Granted Bargained Sold Enfeofed Released and confirm unto the said John Simpson his heirs and Assigns forever; A certain Piece of Land in the rear of James Reids Lot, Beginning at a Beech tree Thirty eight chains from the South east corner of said James Reids Lot Thence North Twenty four chains, Thence West Twenty five chains, Thence South Twenty four chains Thence East to the Place of Beginning Twenty five chains to contain Sixty acres more or less, to have and to hold said piece of land with all the privileges and apurtances thereunto belonging or in any ways appertaining, free and clear of all encumbrances whatsoever, to this Date unto the said John Simpson his heirs and assigns forever; Do for myself my Heirs Executors or administrators Covenant to and with the Said John Simpson his Heirs & Assigns forever; in manner and form following:— That is to say that I am the Lawfull and free owner of said Piece of land, And Do now Stand seized with a good and Sufficient title in Free Simple of in and to the Premises And have full Power to convey the Same, and will Warrent maintain and Defend the same against all Lawful claim or claims of any Person or Persons whatsoever unto the said John Simpson his heirs and assigns Forever
I Witness whereof the said James Reid and Isabella Reid his wife who hereby relinquish and gives up all the right and Title they now has or hereafter may have unto and upon the said Premisses by right of Dower or otherways
Have hereunto set their Hands and affixed their Seals this Twenty Fourth day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and Thirty Two
Sealed Signed and Delivered in Presence of James Fraser [signature] James Urquhart [signature]
James Reid [signature]
Isbel Reid [signature]
Mount Thom 10th September 1832
Received from John Simpson the Sum thirty Eight Pounds Currency being the full Sum of the consideraiton Money within Specified
James Reid [signature]
Personaly appeared before me one of His Majestys Justices of the Peace for the County of Halfiax, Isbel Reid Wife of the within named James Reid, who being by me examined seperate and apart from her said husband did declare that she freely and voluntarily of her own free will anc accord sign and seal the foregoing deed of Indenture without compulsion or fear of her said husband.
Pictou 28 day of August 1832} William Matheson, J.P.
File number: | 2017-09-01-3 |
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Tags: | Mt. Thom, James Reid, Isabella Reid, John Simpson, property, sale, James Fraser, James Urquhart, Isbel Reid, deed |
Views: | 756 |
Uploaded on: | September 1, 2017 |