Description Pictou Observer, October 10, 1832

Pictou Observer

October 10, 1832

1st page

  • Pictou Observer published by William Gossip every Wednesday morning on Water Street with cost and terms
  • Allan M'Donald, Tobacconist, has removed back to his stone house, No. 46, Bedford Row and will continue in his trade there
  • A & H M'Donald have received merchandise via the Mary Ann and Halifax from Liverpool
  • Varnal Browne, confectionery and cookery, advertising ice cream, oysters, ginger beer, etc
  • Albion Iron Foundry and Steam Engine Manufactory, William Davies
  • For sale arriving on the schooner Sarah from the West Indies:  molasses, rum, sugar, coffee, lime juice, chrub and arrow root
  • Building and garden lots for sale in town of Pictou, H. Blackadar
  • Lots for sale in district of Pictou, W. Mortimer
  • Case of Cordovan for sale, Ross & Primrose
  • Notice of demands against estate of the late Robert McIntosh, East River
  • Notice of sums due to estate of the late Governor Debarres
  • Notice of demands against estate of the late John Manson, shoemaker, of the district of Pictou
  • Notice of John Finlayson, Merigomish, insolvent debt and land in Blue Mountian owned by John Johnston to be sold
  • Notice of demands against estate of Alexander Dunbar Senior of West Branch of East River
  • Notice of continued business of the Royal Oak Hotel after the death of proprietor Mrs. Thain along with description of extensive services offered. David P. Patterson
  • Ross & Primrose selling rum, sugar, molasses, gin, salt, and hats
  • Carding Mill business operating at Salt Springs, West River along with instructions where wool can be left to be picked up for carding. Robert Cameron
  • Story on the wonders of elephants, an encounter with a tiger, a Collapissas fathers sacrifice, description of an exection by hanging

2nd page

  • Report on English parliament, address by King William IV
  • Report on events in Paris, Portugal, Algiers, Cassel, Venice, Warsaw, fighting in Poland and Damascus
  • Report from New Brunswick 
  • Report from Nova Scotia

3rd page

  • Response to article on the human character
  • Article from an elector re the candidacy of Mr. Smith
  • Editorial on Nova Scotia mines and minerals 
  • Sir Peregrine Maitland to leave for England on the brig Chebucto
  • T. N. Jeffery, Nova Scotia collector of customs
  • Ships arrived: schooner Eliza of Magdalen Islands; brig Huskisson of New Foundland; Aberdeenshire of Halifax, schooner Mary of Halifax; Providence of Mirimachi; H.M.S. Columbine; brig Erin, Gale of Liverpool; steamer Pocahontas of Charlottetown
  • Ships cleared:  brig Dependant of Cocagne; brig Aberdeenshire of Mirimachi; brig Ermstrel of Providence; barque Janus of Liverpool; ship Galate of Liverpool; schooner Glasgow of Bay Cheleur; Tay of Fox Island; Providence; Mary Bell of Bay des Cheleur; Elizabeth of Portland; brig Perseverance of New York 
  • Notice re auction of rigging, sails, anchors and chains of the brig Halls wrecked at Lasserwick, East of Cape Hinginbrook
  • Notice of public sale of livestock at the home of David Murray of Merigomish
  • Public sale of town lots on Pictou Harbour with easy terms, flour, oatmeal, butter, and pork will be accepted as payment.  Thomas Lowden
  • Forest land for sale on the North side of the East Branch of River John belong to the late Robert Patterson.  
  • Private sale of farm fronting Sutherland's River in Merigomish
  • Robert Robertson advertises iron, nails, spikes and soap for sale received by the brig Erin of Liverpool
  • Notice against the estate of Hugh McKay, late of Pictou
  • D. Crichton & Son offering Arichat herring from the schooner Maria for sale or trade for country produce

4th page

  • Poetry
  • Account of danger on Niagara Falls
  • Number of farmers in the United Kingdom
  • Report on Privy Council
  • Excerpts from History of the Boroughs of Great Britain 
  • Henry Hatton advertising dry goods, fishery salt, hardware, etc from brig Erin from Liverpool
  • John Doull advertising yellow pine, pitch pine and black birch for sale in Tatamagouche
  • John Joyce advertising assortment of leathers
  • Eastern Stage Coach schedule and fares
  • Notice by John Doull advising all indebted to him to pay up before he leaves Pictou for Point Breuley
  • Large lots of land for sale on the head of the East River of St. Mary's, Garden of Eden.  Easy terms for settlers.
  • Wet nurse wanted in Salt Springs, West River. 
  • Wine and Brown Stout for sale by W. Mortimer
  • John Doull will continue to supply pine and birch for sale in the town of Pictou manufactured in his mills at Point Breuley
  • Sheriff's Sale of land in Roger's Hill belonging to John Patterson consisting of 1,250 acres 
  • Pulic auction of land in the town of Pictou belonging to William Fisher
  • Alexander Chisholm, East Branch of the East River, 250 acre farm for sale
  • E. Mortimer mansion and property for sale
  • Barrel of rum found on board the shallop Mary at Mr. Black's wharf in Halifax, looking for owner
  • Cattle show will be held at New Lairg and at Mill Brook Middle River the next day on the premises of Mr. A. Ross
  • Notice of a cattle, horses, sheep and hogs to be exhibited on Angus McKay's premises, West River

File number: NP78-18-5
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: Allan McDonald, A & H McDonald, John Finlayson, David Crichton, Merigomish, John Manson, The Early History of a Sailor, Collapissa Nation, New Orleans, Choctaw, Algeria, Kassel, Germany, France, Spain, Russia, Don Miquel, Donna Maria, Henry Blackadar, James Bain, Edward Mortimer, Varnal Browne, Brown, Varnal Brown, William Davies, W. Mortimer, Ross & Primrose, Andrew McIntosh, William McIntosh, William McKay, Robert McIntosh, East River, Pictou, Tatamagouche, J. W. Johnston, W. B. Bliss, A. Stewart, Ross, Lindsay, John Johnston, Blue Mountain, Valantyne Laws, Alexander Dunbar, West Branch of East River, John Dunbar, Royal Oak Hotel, Thain, Royal William Steamer, Prince Edward Island Packet, Eastern Coaches, David P. Patterson, John Cameron, ten mile house, Duncan Cameron, Lower Bridge West River, John Henderson, 3 Mile Inn, John Bannerman, Robert Cameron, India, Indian Elephant, tiger, Collapissas, French, Russian, Florian Gardens, murder, hanging, execution, parliament, prorogation of parliament, Duke of Newcastle, Nottingham Castle, Viscount Howick, Miss Copley, Lord Yarborough, Russian Dutch Loan, Great Britain, Holland, Belgium, St. John's Wood, Grand Central National Political Union, Reform Bill, Portugal, Ireland, Earl Grey, Lord Brougham, Tory, Dublin, Scotland, election, Barrot, Berthelemy, M. Dupin, Louis Phillipe, Arabs, Switzerland, Austrian, Ancona, revolution, insurgents, Biolowitz, Prince Zaba, Alexandria, Syria, Field Marshal Hussein Pacha, Mehemed Ali, Damascus, Cairo, Ibrahim Pacha, Restigouche River, New Brunswick, Hamilton's Hotel, Sir Peregrine Maitland, Lady Sarah Maitland, David Murray, Rev. K. J. McKenzie, Thomas Lowden, Wentworth Grant, Hugh McKay, Henry Hatton, John Doull, John Joyce, John Ross, Donald Ferguson, Donald Fergusson, Nicholas Beck, James Primrose, John Holmes, James McCara, Joe Nearn, Joseph Nearn, Robert Pagan, John Gordon, James Wilson, Hugh McIntosh, Charles McKay, J. J. Sawyer, John W. Harris, Adam Carr, William Fisher, John McDonald, Alexander McDonald, Alexander Chisholm, John Forbes, Gordon's Point
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