Description Agreement between W.H. Johnson and Marian Ross

This agreement made by and between W.H. Johnson, of Halifax, Merchant, hereinafter called the party of the first part and Marian Ross of Tony River Pictou CO hereinafter called the party of the second part a Mason and Hamlin Organ NO. 112254 style 268 for the period od 24 months from the date hereof, for the consideration of the sum of one hundred and fifteen dollars, payable promptly at the office of the said W.H. Johnson, Halifax, Nova Scotia, as herein mentioned.          Notes of hand of $29 each for 6, 12, and 18 months and one note of hand of $28 for 24 months.

And the said party of the second part hereby agrees to use said organ with all reasonable and proper care and pay for use thereof the said several sums above mentioned in the manner and at the times above specified.

In case the said party of the second part shall fail to make said payments at the times and in the manner as above stated or shall in any way violate any of the conditions herein, or in case the said party of the second part shall become insolvent or abscond from the Province of Nova Scotia or shall in anywise become involved so that the said organ shall become liable to seizure for the debts of the party of the second part or to distress for rent or shall attempt to sell or dispose of the same then and in such case the party of the first part shall be entitled to take immediate possession of the said organ and all the rights of the party of the second part thereto shall wholly cease and determine.

And it is further agreed, by and between said parties, that if the said party of the second part shall at any time within 24 months from this date, pay to the said party of the first part the sum of one hundred and fifteen dollars, the said party of the first part agrees on receipt of said sum to deliver to the said party of the second part one style 268 Mason and Hamlin organ with a receipted bill of sale thereof; and notwithstanding any provision herein contained the said organ shall remain the property of the said party of the first part until he otherwise hereinafter dispose of it and it is not to be removed from the present residence of the said party of the second part without full authority in writing from the said party of the first part.

In witness whereof, we have hereunto subscribed our names and affixed our seals, this fifteenth day of May 1890

(signed) W.H. Johnson and Marian Ross

Signed, sealed, and delivered in presence of R.C. McDonald

Province of Nova Scotia, County of Pictou

I R.C. McDonald of Pictou in the County of Pictou make oath and say as follows:- I am the subscribing witness to the within written or accompanying lease or agreement for sale and the same was signed and executed in my presence by the therein named parties.

Sworn to at River John in the County of Pictou this 12 day of May A.D. 1890 before me

John Gollew

Province of Nova Scotia County of Halifax

I W.H. Johnson of Halifax in the County of Halifax make oath and say as follows:-

  1. I am the hirer, lessor or bargainer mentioned in the within written or accompanying lease or agreement for sale.
  2. The said lease or agreement truly sets forth the agreement between the parties thereto, and truly sets forth the claim, lien, or balance due to the said hirer, lessor or bargainer, and was executed in goof faith and for the express purpose of securing to the said hirer, lessor or bargainer the payment of the claim, lien, or charge thereon, at the times and under the terms set out in the said lease or agreement and for no other purpose.

Sworn to at Halifax in the County of Halifax this 8th day of October A.D. 1890 before me (illegible signature)

File Location

vault 1b2

File number: 17D-1117J
Contributor:    Amelia English | View all submissions
Tags: W.H. Johnson, Marian Ross, Tony River, Pictou, Mason and Hamlin organ, R.C. McDonald
Views: 513
Uploaded on: August 26, 2017

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