Description The Pictou Observer, June 28, 1842, page 3

3rd page of The Pictou Observer published June 28, 1842, Vol. 1, No. 34.

  • Barque Cleostratus arrives from Glasgow, James Levins Master with 64 passengers, 24 landed in Sydney
  • Editor of the Novascotian assaulted
  • Notice of inquest held upon the body of William Harrison of the 76th Regiment, died from a fall of a wall at Citadel Hill
  • use of carrier pigeons 
  • an attempt to burn the home of Mr. R. M. Jarvis, Saint John, N.B.
  • Port of Pictou entered and cleared
  • Notice of auction including goods recovered from wreck of the Barque Isabella of Greenock
  • Notice of Brig Ann Henzell sailing for Sheilds mid July can accommodate 3 or 4 cabin passengers
  • grand piano forte raffle 
  • Notice re estate of Adam Carr of New Glasgow, Esq.
  • Advertisement for beer
  • Advertisement for Books
  • Notice of soon to be published The Letters of "Hibernicus"
  • Notice of new grocery and wine establishment
  • Notice of tanning business startup
  • Notice from James Creelman
  • Notice from Anderson Henderson
  • Ten Mile House open for business
  • Hugh Beaton opens tailoring business in Londonderry
  • David McKenzie of Carriboo has his farm for sale and also warns not to trespass on the estate of Widow Oliver of Little Carriboo River
  • Opening of Prince Edward Island Hotel
  • Notice to emigrants who may be interested in buying land in the west with particulars on downpayments and fees
  • Notice of demands against the estate of the late Walter Ross of Mill Brook
  • Stone House to let in town of Pictou
  • ÆTNA Insurance Company advertisement
  • Indenture of Assignment re Welwood Waugh of Wallace
  • Testimonials re Mr. Coblentz's Hotel in Halifax
  • Notice from Edward Allison
  • Alexander Ross notice of continuing saddlery, etc. business
  • George Foote of Merigomish selling his farm in French River

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File number: NP78-18-3
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: NP78-18-4, Pocahontas, American Schooner North Star, Schooner Laurel, Schooner Aynes, Emily, H.M.S. Sappho, American Schooner Tremont, Shannon, Rose, American Schooner Corinthian, Schooner Swift, George Henry, Eliza, American Schooner Hopewell, Schooner Louise, American Brig Antares, Brig Loyalist, Schooner Happy Return, Barque Cleostratus, Schooner Industry, Revenue Schooner John & Louisa Wallace, Schooner Racer, Liberty, Isabella, American Schooner Frederick Warren, Schooner Lark, Laurel, Davison, Schooner Agnes, American Schooner North Star, Schooner Gem, Schooner Shannon, Barque Acadia, Barque Thetis, Henry Hatton, W. D. Wade, R. McDonald, Mary Carr, spruce beer, James Gourley, James Dawson, Zanoni, The Jacquerie, The Dancing Feather, The Tenants of the Heart, James D. Nash, Andrew McCoubrey, Patrick Walker, Roderick Fraser, tea, sugar, molasses, coffee, raisins, J. S. Arnison, cocoa, liquors, cigars, tobacco, Creelman & M'Keen, James Creelman, Thomas M'Keen, Thomas McKeen, Lewis Ross, Ten Mile Inn, West River, Folly, William Dickie, John Pallister, The Canada Company, Huron Tract, deed, acre, lease, Owen's Bay, John Munro, Kenneth Ross, counting house, the Red House, Point Pleasant, George Smith, Edward Smith, Roderick McDonald, H. Blackadar, Welwood Waugh, Robert B. Dickey, Robert Purvis, Amherst, Tatamagouche, Daniel Macfarlane, Daniel McFarlane, Thomas C. Haliburton, L. M. Wilkins, John C. Hall, George Smith, H. Barryer Smith, John A. Barry, Richard Jones, David Matheson, William Bowman, Michael Coblentz, Edward Allison, Alexander Ross, R. Copland, R. Copeland, NP78-18-1, NP78-18-2
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Uploaded on: August 25, 2017

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