Description Rev. Dr. Gordon



The Recently Elected Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada.

The Rev. [Daniel] Gordon, D.D., the distinguished divine elected Moderator of the General Assembly of the Resbyterian Church of Canada, is a native of Pictou, Nova Scotia, and is in the prime of manhood. Of impressive appearance Dr. Gordon is remarkable for the strength, solidity, clearness and deliberation of his utterances. Dr. Gordon is the son of a Pictou merchant, the late Wm. Gordon. He received his preliminary eduation at the Pictou academy and received his arts and theological course at Glasgow University, where he graduate B.D. Returning to Canada he was ordained and received his pastoral charge at Truro, Nova Scotia, in 1866. He was shortly afterwards called to St. Andrew's Church, Ottawa, in which charge he remained until 1882, when, on account of ill-health, he was compelled to resign the pastorate. Subsequently he accepted a call to the well known Knox Church, Winnipeg, in which pastorate he remained for five or six years, when his health again succumbed to the heavy strain of the work in a new country. On his recovery he became pastor of St. Andrew's Church, Halifax, where the labor was much lighter and the return to his native air proved beneficial. In 1894 he resigned the pastorate of St. Andrew's Halifax, on his appointment as professor of divinity at the Presbyterian College, Halifax. Last year he received the degree of D.D. from his Alma Mater. Dr. Gordon was a fellow student and a very intimate friend of the late Rev. D.J. Macdonnell, of Toronto, and no one mourned the early taking off of that widely esteemed pastor more than he. Dr. Gordon for some years sat under the ministrations of the famous Rev. Dr. Norman McLeod, who had not a little influence in moulding the tastes of the future Canadian Presbyterian Moderator. Mrs. Gordon is the daughter of a Highland minister, the Rev. Mr. McLennan who settled in Belfast, Prince Edward Island. Their eldest son is following in his eminent father's footsteps, he being now completing his studies for the ministry in Scotland."

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File number: EC Jun 25 1896 p1
Contributor:    Susan Parker | View all submissions
Tags: Eastern Chronicle, Daniel Gordon, Gordon, presbytery, newspaper, article, Rev. Daniel M. Gordon
Views: 707
Uploaded on: August 25, 2017
Source: Eastern Chronicle

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