Description Deed A. McGillivray to Town of Pictou

This indenture made this day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and two Between A. McGillivray Fraser, Carrie J. Fraser his wife and Catherine Fraser of the same place widow of the late Donald Fraser, of the one part and the town of Pictou a body corporal and public of the other part, Witnessed that the said A. McGillivray Fraser, Carrie Fraser and Catherine Fraser for an in consideration of the sum of one dollar of lawful money of the dominion of Canada to the said A. McGillivray Fraser in hand well and truly paid by the said the Town of Pictou at or before the ensealing or delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have and each of them hath granted, bargained, sold, aliened, enfeoffed, released, remised, conveyed, and confirmed;  and by these presents do and each of them doth grant, bargain, sell, alien, enfeoff release, remise, enfeoff, release, remise, convey and confirm, unto the said the Town of Pictou its successors and assigns, all that certain lot of land situate lying and being at Carriboo aforesaid and abutted bounded and described as follows; Beginning on the east side line of “Acadia Farmer” so called at a stake there then hundred and forty three (1043) feet distant in a northwest direction from the north side line of the Back or section road so called, from thence running northwardly along the east side line of the said Acadia Farm three hundred and ninety nine feet more or less to a stake there placed thence north eighty four degrees west two hundred and five feet to a stake there placed thence south number and three quarter degrees west one hundred and thirty two feet more or less until it crosses to a stake there degrees and thence south eighty dour degrees east two hundred and seven feet to a stake there placed, thence southwardly in a line parallel to the east-side line  of Acadia Farm until it course to the North side line of a lot of land conveyed to John Ross by deed from the said A. McGillivray Fraser and other dated the eighteenth day of December A.D. 1900, thence eighty four degrees east twenty five feet to the east side line of Acadia Farm and thence northwardly along the east side, line of Acadia Farm to the place of beginning together with all and singular the easements, hereditaments and appurtenances to the same belonging, or in any wise appertaining with the reversion and reversions remainder and remainders, rents, revisions and profits, thereof and all the estate right, title, interest, claim, property, and demand, both at law and in equity of said A. McGillivray Fraser, Carrie J. Fraser and Catherine Fraser of in to or out of the same or any part thereof to have, and to hold the said land and premises with the appurtenances and every part thereof unto the said The Town of Pictou its successors and assigns to its and their sole use, and benefit and behoof forever, Reserving however to and for the said A. McGillivray Fraser his heirs and assigns the free right for and during the term of 99 years from the date of these presents to take receive and enjoy from and out of the water supply of the town of Pictou situated upon said Acadia Farm such reasonable quantities of water as ways be requested for domestic purpose upon and in course choice with the said Acadia Farm however to exceed gallons, per annum, with full right and proven under the direction and supervision and to the satisfactory of the enquires of the town of Pictou to lay all necessary ___ and make all necessary course choirs with the said water supply, and the said A. McGillivray Fraser doth for himself his heirs executors and administrators hereby covenant, promise and agree to and with the said Town of Pictou its successors and assigns in remain following that is to say: that it shall be lawful for the said the Town of Pictou its successors and assigns from time to time and at all times hereafter peaceably and quietly to until the said land and premises and to have hold occupy promise and enjoy the same without the lawful lot suit hindrance eviction denial or disturbance of from or by the said A. McGillivray Fraser or any other person or persons whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same land also that the said A. McGillivray Fraser hath a good sure perfect and indefeasible estate of in hindrance in fee simple in the said land and premises and a good night full power and lawful authority to seal and convey the same in manner and form as they are hereby sold and conveyed and mentioned or included so to be and that be the said A. McGillivray Fraser his heirs, executors, and administrators at the request and at the changes of the said The Town of Pictou, shall and will from time to time and all times hereafter executor or cause to be executed such further and other acts conveyances and assistances in the law for the better assuring to the paid of the Town of Pictou its successors or assigns or its on their courses learned in the law shall be reasonably advised or required and lastly that the said A. McGillivray Fraser and his heirs the said land and premises and every part thereof until the said the Town of Pictou its successors and assigns, against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever shall and will be these presents warrant and forever defend.

In witness whereof the parties to these presents have hereunto their hands and seals set and affixed the day and year first above written.

Signed, sealed, and delivered in the presences of


Province of Nova Scotia

County of Pictou S.S.

Be it remembered that on this ___ day of September A.D. 1902 before me the subscriber personally came and appeared Carrie J. Fraser wife of A. McGillivray Fraser mentioned in the foregoing indenture who having been by me examined separate and apart from her said husband did declare and acknowledge that she executed the said indenture as and for her act and deed without dear threat or compulsion of form or by the said husband and for a full release of all her claims to the lands and premises therein described.

Province of Nova Scotia

County of Pictou S.S.

On This ___ day of September A.D. 1902 before me the subscriber personally came and appeared ____ a subscribing witness to the foregoing indenture who having been by me duly sworn, made oath and said that A. McGillivray Fraser, Carrie J. Fraser and Catherine Fraser the parties hereto signed, sealed and delivered the same in his presence.

File Location

vault 1b2

File number: 17D-1826F
Contributor:    Amelia English | View all submissions
Tags: Town of Pictou, A. McGillivray Fraser, Catherine Fraser, Carrie J. Fraser, Donald Fraser, Pictou, Acadia Farm, John Ross
Views: 639
Uploaded on: August 23, 2017

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